What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery?
Not many medical treatments in this world are permanent fixes. Despite the impressive rate of medical innovation in recent years, the vast majority of treatment options still focus on symptom management.
For example, medical equipment like glasses and crutches offer us temporary relief. Similarly, drugs may rid us of illness for a short while, yet they only get a hold on serious or chronic conditions with continual use. Not even invasive surgical treatments are free from degrading results and problems.
Luckily, modern medicine is increasingly placing a focus on individualist treatment plans. This means that patients are treated on an individual basis to identify the root of the problem and solve it for good.
Vision correction is a particular area that has clearly benefitted from this personalised approach to treatment. To date, millions of patients have been permanently freed from a range of vision-related conditions. From short-sightedness (Myopia) and long-sightedness (Hyperopia), patients are now routinely benefitting from the latest advancements in Laser Eye Surgery.
Revolutionary treatments like PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision and ReLEx SMILE mean that more patients than ever before can now receive effective – and often permanent – treatment.
A permanent solution to vision correction… just about
For many patients who have undergone Laser Eye Surgery, the results are permanent. This was demonstrated in a follow-up study that tracked the long-term effects of LASIK.
A total of 70 patients who had received LASIK Laser Eye Surgery treatment were followed over 10 years from 2008. The results showed that, overall, patients had healthy corneas and their vision remained accurate over the long-term study period.
Furthermore, Laser Eye Surgery is deemed to be one of the safest elective procedures available. In 2006, the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), in their Guidance Document on LASIK, deemed Laser Eye Surgery to be safe and effective, with no serious concerns about the long-term safety of the procedure – providing the latest technology and techniques were used.
In the 16 years since then, technology and knowledge have only improved and Laser Eye Surgery is now safer and more effective than ever. As Professor Dan Reinstein explains in the video below, the results of Laser Eye Surgery are also permanent.

Advancements in Laser Eye Surgery can range from pre-operative screening and testing techniques to innovations in equipment and technology.
While the effects of Laser Eye Surgery are extremely long-lasting, we are never completely free from the natural effects of ageing. As we get older, everything from our skin, muscles and organs can begin to deteriorate. This can affect our ability to get around, recover from illness, and, of course, to see.
Unfortunately, there is currently no solution to the ageing process. Therefore, in order to maintain a ‘permanent fix’ to vision issues, it may become necessary to undergo a touch-up or enhancement laser procedure to refine vision to its best possible state.
The inevitable arrival of Presbyopia
Ageing is a problem that occurs in 100% of patients. It cannot be stopped but, fortunately, it can be decelerated.
Presbyopia – translated literally as “old eye” – is the term used to describe the effects of the ageing of the eyes. Ageing can affect the internal lens causing a change in eye size and shape during middle age and later life.
Left unchecked, Presbyopia inevitably leads to the need for reading glasses, bifocals, or varifocals. But with a little intervention from Laser Eye Surgery, it can be effectively managed and improved.
You can find out more about Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia, here.
So there’s no escaping getting old (at least for now). But when it comes to your eyes, there is a fix that’ll keep them as young as possible, for as long as possible. Let’s just hope we can soon say the same for other parts and organs of the body.
If you would like to find out more about Laser Eye Surgery, Book a Consultation today. Alternatively, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators.