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The Top 10 Laser Eye Surgery Questions We Hear from Our Patients

We asked our staff the most common questions they are asked about Laser Eye Surgery and the London Vision Clinic.

Laser Eye Surgery team member answering a call from a patient

Does Laser Eye Surgery hurt?

The simple answer to this question is: No, Laser Eye Surgery isn’t painful. 

LASIK and ReLEx SMILE account for the vast majority of Laser Eye Surgery procedures performed at London Vision Clinic. It is expected to feel a slight pressure in the eye during the procedure; however, this shouldn’t be painful. Patients may experience some discomfort in the 24 hours after their treatment, but this is usually easily managed with lubricating eye drops and over-the-counter painkillers (or something stronger if required).

Could I go blind from Laser Eye Surgery?

The risk of experiencing any vision loss as a result of Laser Eye Surgery is extremely low.

Technically speaking, there is an exceedingly small risk of blindness as a result of Laser Eye Surgery; however, this is lower than the risk associated with wearing monthly contact lenses for one year. While such an event is extremely unlikely, your chosen clinic should always inform you of the risks of your procedure. Find out more about the potential risks and complications of Laser Eye Surgery.

When can I get back to work after Laser Eye Surgery?

Most patients can return to work in as little as 24 hours after surgery.

Our eyes have incredible healing power. This means that many patients are able to get back to most parts of their normal routine just 24 hours after Laser Eye Surgery. For patients who have LASIK or ReLEx SMILE, this includes going back to work. However, there are some things to bear in mind when heading back to the grind.

In the days and weeks following your treatment, it is important to keep your eyes well lubricated. This is particularly true if you use screens for your work as these can dry out your eyes. Your clinic should provide you with lubricating eye drops to help combat discomfort and dryness throughout your recovery.

For PRK/LASEK patients, it is generally advised to take around a week away from work. This is because your eyes will need a little longer to heal following your treatment.

How much does Laser Eye Surgery cost?

The cost of Laser Eye Surgery can vary from clinic to clinic, largely due to the standard of important considerations such as the surgeons’ experience and the technology used. Costs at high-quality, independent clinics are higher than those at high-street providers; however, these clinics are able to treat a wider range of prescriptions and have access to world-class expertise and technology.

You can find more details about our cost of surgery here. We also offer interest-free finance, which can help make your treatment a lot more flexible and manageable. Find out more about the cost of Laser Eye Surgery.

Why are you more expensive than other Laser Eye Surgery clinics?

As mentioned above, several factors can affect the prices at different Laser Eye Surgery clinics. With so many providers popping up on high streets around the UK, it is easy to find yourself bombarded with offers and “special prices”. But is it really worth taking a chance on cut-price surgery at a high street clinic when it comes to something as important as your vision?

At London Vision Clinic, our fees are always straightforward and completely transparent. Your quoted price covers every aspect of your treatment, from your initial consultation to your post-surgery check-ups and aftercare. In short, there will be no hidden extras.

How long does the procedure take?

Laser Eye Surgery procedures can be carried out in a matter of minutes.

Depending on the type of procedure you have, Laser Eye Surgery can be completed in between 5 and 15 minutes. In fact, the laser itself is generally only active for a matter of seconds. The majority of your treatment time will be spent preparing for your surgery, which typically takes around 30 minutes to an hour.

Am I suitable for treatment?

Almost certainly. At London Vision Clinic, we can treat around 98% of the patients we see.

Modern developments and innovations have helped to make Laser Eye Surgery an option for more people than ever before. The introduction of ReLEx SMILE, a minimally invasive “keyhole” procedure, meant that many patients who would once have been unsuitable for treatment can now benefit from Laser Eye Surgery. But not all clinics can treat the same range of prescriptions.

Moreover, your suitability can depend on several factors. In addition to the severity of your prescription, we will consider your age, overall health, and the health of your eyes. Find out more about factors that could affect your suitability, or book a no-obligation consultation for a personalised assessment.

Your suitability will depend on a number of factors, including your age, health, and prescription. Find out more about what makes you suitable for Laser Eye Surgery, here. Alternatively, you can book a no-obligation initial screening for a personal assessment of your suitability.

How long is the screening process?

Our comprehensive initial screening process can take up to three and a half hours.

We know that this sounds like a long time – in fact, it is often two or three times longer than some other clinics; however, the initial screening is arguably the most important part of the entire Laser Eye Surgery process. A thorough assessment is the only way to accurately determine your suitability for treatment and ensure an optimum treatment plan.

The various tests and examinations performed during your screening ensure your treatment is as safe and effective as possible. This appointment also allows our clinicians to talk you through the treatment in detail so you can leave the clinic feeling informed, relaxed, and confident about the procedure.

When can I drive after surgery?

Most patients who have LASIK or ReLEx SMILE surgery will be safe to drive short distances 24 hours after treatment.

most patients’ vision will have recovered significantly in the 24 hours after their surgery. This usually means your surgeon will sign you off to drive short distances; however, this can vary from patient to patient. Your surgeon will be able to give you a better idea of this at your one-day follow-up appointment, based on the treatment you received and your personal recovery experience.

Importantly, you must not drive until your Laser Eye Surgeon has given you the all-clear to do so. Still, you should only begin to drive again once you feel fully confident with your new and improved vision.

When can I wear makeup?

You can begin applying some makeup products 48 hours after surgery.

In the days following your treatment, it is important to avoid any products that could irritate your eyes. While general face make up and skincare such as moisturisers, concealer, and foundation may be permitted around 2 days after your treatment, we recommend that you avoid eye makeup (eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, etc) for at least a week after your surgery.

Your surgeon will provide you with more information during your post-op check-up.

Have any other questions? Just ask

While these are the most common questions we are asked here at London Vision Clinic, we know that you likely have many more. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators – they’re always happy to help!

If you’re ready to find out how Laser Eye Surgery could be your ticket to clear vision, Book a Consultation today.