How Long Do Laser Eye Surgery Results Last?
As one of the leading Laser Eye Surgery clinics in the country – and the world – we receive our fair share of queries concerning this life-changing procedure. But perhaps one of the most common questions we hear from our prospective patients is this: “How long do Laser Eye Surgery results last?”. After all, considering the procedure can be performed in a matter of minutes, it might be easy to assume the results will be fleeting.
There are a lot of myths still being circulated about Laser Eye Surgery – myths that we are putting a lot of effort into stamping out. This is why we’re here to answer all the most common (and not so common) questions about Laser Eye Surgery. So, let’s take a look at what you can expect from your treatment, both in the short- and long-term.
A Safe and Speedy Procedure
Many patients are surprised to learn just how little time they will need to spend in the treatment room. The vast majority of Laser Eye Surgery procedures are carried out in under 12 minutes – and with the innovative ReLEx SMILE procedure, treatment times are even shorter! In fact, its minimally invasive nature means that ReLEx SMILE treatment can be completed in as little as four minutes.
But it’s not just treatment times that are often shorter than most people realise – so too is the amount of downtime needed after the treatment. It’s not often you can head into surgery and be signed off to return to work the very next day. There must be a catch, right?
Well, not necessarily. Easy access to the treatment site (the eyes), combined with the incredible healing power of the cornea, means that healing times are often much faster than one might expect. Furthermore, with the help of the latest, state-of-the-art Laser Eye Surgery technology in the hands of expert surgeons, your vision can be corrected quickly and efficiently with minimal invasion.
How Laser Eye Surgery changes your vision
There are several approaches to Laser Eye Surgery, with significant differences between each one; however, all Laser Eye Surgery procedures follow the same basis: to use laser technology to reshape the cornea, effectively changing the way light is directed into the eye.
The type of Laser Eye Surgery procedure used in your case will depend on a number of factors. For example, your doctor will consider your refractive error, the severity of your prescription, the health of your eyes, and your overall health and lifestyle. Nevertheless, in every treatment, the laser will be specifically programmed according to your unique measurements and prescription.
Whether you are being treated for short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism, the laser is used to reshape your cornea.
Removal of the corneal tissue ensures that your vision won’t regress to its original standard after surgery. However, your refractive error can continue to progress following your treatment. For this reason, it is generally recommended that you do not undergo treatment until your prescription has been stable for at least 12 months.
The Effects of Presbyopia (Ageing Eyes)
While the changes made during Laser Eye Surgery may be permanent, we are not able to halt the ageing process. Unfortunately, this means that, no matter how thorough your initial consultation or how experienced your surgeon is, none of us can avoid the effects of presbyopia (ageing eyes).
Presbyopia will affect almost everyone as we get older, typically occurring in middle age. The condition is characterised by the natural deterioration of our vision as we age – particularly the eye’s ability to focus on objects in your near vision. The vast majority of people experiencing presbyopia will initially turn to reading glasses – but there is another option.
Traditional Laser Eye Surgery techniques cannot safeguard against presbyopia; however, a revolutionary Laser Eye Surgery technique may be able to rid you of your reading glasses and all the annoyances that go with them. PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision has become an effective alternative to Monovision Surgery – the implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in the eyes.
So, as we have established, aside from the body’s natural ageing processes, the effects of Laser Eye Surgery can potentially last a lifetime. Learn more today and start enjoying the gift of clear and hassle-free vision.
If you would like to learn more about the effects of Laser Eye Surgery, get in touch with one of our friendly and knowledgeable clinic coordinators. Alternatively, Book a Consultation today.
Laser Eye Treatment Fees start from £6,200 for both eyes. Very complex treatments may cost more.
Interest-FREE finance available over THREE years, from £87 per month for both eyes, makes the best more flexible. Find out more.