Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery if I Have Prisms?

If you have strabismus – also known as a “squint” – you may be familiar with “prisms”. A prism is a kind of optical element that is added to glasses to address double vision associated with strabismus. These elements can also help with discomfort and other related symptoms such as headaches and eye strain.

Prisms work by moving the object of an object either horizontally or vertically. This depends on the power and direction of the lens, but this simple adjustment can help to redirect the alignment of the eyes.

Laser Eye Surgery is primarily concerned with correcting common refractive errors such as myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), astigmatism, or presbyopia. However, Laser Eye Surgery is not able to realign the focus of the eyes, so it cannot replicate the action of prism lenses in glasses.

However, while Laser Eye Surgery may not be able to rid you of your need for prism glasses, having strabismus will most likely not affect your suitability for treatment.

Laser Eye Surgery if you use prisms

In the video below, Mr Carp explains how Laser Eye Surgery can treat a wide range of refractive errors, despite being able to improve eye alignment.

Youtube video link

As our expert surgeon, Mr Glen Carp, explains, strabismus is not a contraindication for Laser Eye Surgery. However, you may still need to wear glasses with prisms post-surgery if you experience double vision. However, there may be some alternative options to deal with this.

“Alternatively, these patients may elect to undergo muscle surgery around the eye to correct for the strabismus and thereby negating the need for a prism.”

Laser Eye Surgery can be performed in combination with muscle surgeries. This could offer an effective solution for improving both strabismus and your refractive error.

If you’d like to learn more about your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a Consultation today!