Youtuber and Fashion Blogger Sophie Milner has ReLEx SMILE [VIDEO]

Youtuber and Fashion Blogger Sophie Milner has ReLEx SMILE

Sophie Milner has become well-known in the fashion blogging world for her empowering – and often cut-throat- commentary. Her online blog covers everything from fashion, beauty and skincare to relationships and travel – but that’s not all Sophie has been up to over the last few years.

She has also become known for her YouTube channel, where she shares all manner of experiences, including product reviews, fashion hauls – and her journey to clearer vision.

In addition to becoming one of the go-to places for those of us looking for fashion and beauty advice, Sophie has also provided us with first-hand accounts of a number of procedures. From her non-surgical nose job and hairline lowering surgery all the way to Laser Eye Surgery – which she underwent right here at London Vision Clinic.

In the video above, we first see Sophie at three weeks post-op – after her vision has fully stabilised. From here, Sophie talks us through her experience, right from the morning before the procedure. In true Sophie Milner style, she reveals all about her pre-procedure nerves, the procedure itself (with help from her lovely Dad), and the recovery process.

Sophie’s ReLEx SMILE Treatment

Due to her many commitments, from her blog and video schedule to a strict gym regime, Sophie opted for ReLEx SMILEthe least invasive form of Laser Eye Surgery. While similar to LASIK, the keyhole nature of SMILE means the procedure itself and the recovery process are much faster. This rapid healing time means that most people can be back to their normal routine within the very same day – an important consideration for Sophie.

Just hours after her procedure, Profess Dan Reinstein gives her the OK to use her phone and computer as usual. He also once again explains the potential side effects she may encounter. These include her eyes feeling a little foggy and scratchy – Sophie compares the feeling to rubbing her eye after she got shampoo in it – but there would be no pain or serious discomfort.

Finally, having received everything she will need in an aftercare package, it was time to head home.

Testing out her new vision

Sophie went from a -4.75 prescription to 20/20 at her 24-hour post-op appointment.

Having worn contact lenses or glasses for over 15 years, Sophie couldn’t wait to test out her new vision. Luckily, her eyes were healing faster than the average person’s and, sooner than expected, she was signed off to exercise, drink alcohol and – critically – wear mascara again.

So, there were only two things left to do: head to the gym for a gentle weights workout and hit the town. Sophie was relieved to discover that the only setbacks at this early stage in her recovery were a slight fogginess (which was still much better than her previous vision) and experiencing some glare at night – which she actually thought was quite nice.

At the end of her vlog, Sophie wraps up by explaining how weird it is to wake up with clear vision. Understandably, she is thrilled with the results of her Laser Eye Surgery treatment – she even goes as far as to say: “It’s the best thing I’ve ever, ever had done!”

That’s good enough for us!

Finally, on a somewhat cautionary note, Sophie points out the importance of finding a good clinic and an experienced surgeon.

If you would like to learn more about our results and statistics at London Vision Clinic, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators. Or, if you’re ready to find out more about your options – Book a Consultation today.