Why Should the Young Have All the Fun? Time to Ditch the Reading Glasses

Each year, we celebrate our chronological age. That is, how many years it’s been since our mothers performed the miracle of bringing us into this world. But once we reach a certain age, it becomes increasingly clear that this is just a number, after all. It doesn’t reflect how we feel about ourselves or what we can or can’t do. Sure, the number might keep going up, but most of us won’t feel any different (at least in our minds).

In some senses, you might even feel younger than ever before. You might be in the best shape of your life, or you might have finally found the answer to keeping your stress and anxiety levels down. Nonetheless, the years do have an unstoppable toll on several areas of our lives: falling asleep at 9 pm, not understanding what younger generations are saying, and taking a whole week to recover from the gym, being just a few.

While we may be able to address some of these changes with diet and lifestyle changes (at least for a while), some things are simply inevitable. Take, for example, the deterioration of our vision.

One day, your eyes are switching effortlessly from near to distant vision without you having to give it a thought. But one day, you wake up and realise you’re struggling to read the text on your phone or laptop. Or perhaps you have to hold the menu further and further away from your face when visiting your favourite restaurant.

These occurrences can be worrying when we first notice them. But the fact is, they are a natural part of everybody’s ageing process and can be attributed to a refractive error called presbyopia

The Official End of Your Youth?

It can be easy to remain positive about our youthfulness, even if the numbers on our birth certificates imply otherwise. We can overlook several things before we finally start to feel old. But when we begin to notice a deterioration in our vision, or when we give in and purchase the first pair of reading glasses, it can be hard to look at it as anything other than the official end of our youth.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, many people don’t realise that our vision can be maintained – and even restored to its former glory – even after presbyopia has fully set in. You could even say “goodbye” to the constant reminders of your age every time you reach for your reading glasses.

So, how can you get back to seeing the world through the eyes of your youth? With the help of Laser Eye Surgery.

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision has helped countless people roll back the years and ditch their reading glasses. By creating a “blend zone”, your brain is able to process clear images across all distances. That means no more squinting and stretching your arms to read those menus or text messages. And the bigger picture? Holding on to your youth – even if the candles on your birthday cakes tell you otherwise.

If you’d like to learn more about Laser Eye Surgery for presbyopia, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a Consultation today.