Where Do You Keep Your Reading Glasses?
Every day, we cart around a number of essential items with us: It seems that our mobile phones, our wallets and purses, or our house and car keys are constantly on or around our person. But for those of us with presbyopia, there’s yet another thing we have to remember: our reading glasses.
Despite providing us with an incredibly important asset – our near vision – we seem to misplace our reading glasses with impressive ease. And even when we do have them to hand, they are the source of constant annoyance. They are uncomfortable and prone to scratches and breakages. So, where do you keep your reading glasses?
Many of us have trouble remembering where we put even our most prized possessions. So, how can we ever be expected to remember where we left our battered pair of cheap readers? After all, it’s not as though we can keep them in one place at all times. Who knows when we might be required to read or reply to a text or email from a friend or coworker? Or when the font on a restaurant’s menu will be too small for our ageing eyes?
In an ideal world, we’d all have a personal assistant who could carry our reading glasses around for us on a satin pillow. Then, every time we needed them, they’d be right there by your side waiting for you! Of course, this is simply not an option for the vast majority of us (and it might be a little awkward for our friends and family anyhow…).
“Just choose a spot and always keep them there!” — every non-glasses wearer ever
Maybe the next best option available to us is to simply pop them in a handbag or jacket pocket. But let’s be honest, rummaging through a full bag or realising you’ve left your glasses in the wrong jacket is hardly an ideal solution to the problem. Moreover, these places put your glasses at risk of damage – whether it’s scratched lenses, loosened hinges, or even broken arms!
Then there’s the option to attach them to a chain and keep them around your neck at all times. Sure, this sounds like the ideal solution. In theory, they will always be within reach should you suddenly require your near vision. They may even be safer from potential damage than they would be in a full handbag or a jacket pocket. But there are certainly times when having a pair of glasses tied around your neck can be problematic.
They could get caught on clothing, get in the way of certain activities and, let’s face it, it’s not the coolest look…
You might even opt to keep your reading glasses perched on the top of your head. But while this might seem like a fool-proof plan, just think about how many times you’ve forgotten about the frames perched on your forehead. Maybe you’ve spent what seems like an eternity looking for the glasses that are mockingly sat on your head the whole time. Or perhaps you’ve flung the specs off your skull as you forget they were there to begin with… Either way, your head is no place to keep your glasses as a long-term solution.
So, where does that leave us? Well, maybe the best place for your reading glasses is in the bin. I mean, maybe the real problem here is not really the question of where to keep your reading glasses, but the reading glasses themselves.
Laser Eye Surgery: A Solution to Presbyopia
Laser Eye Surgery has helped countless people around the world ditch their glasses and contact lenses. Yet, many people are unaware that this life-changing treatment can even help them dump their reading glasses. While deteriorating near vision is a natural and unstoppable part of our ageing process, that doesn’t mean we simply have to grin and bear it.
PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is an effective solution to presbyopia. It works by creating a “blend zone” that enables your brain to process clear images across all fields of vision. The end result? Clear reading vision without the hindrance of those pesky reading glasses!
If you’d like to learn more about how Laser Eye Surgery could help you ditch the reading glasses once and for all, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators. Alternatively, Book a Consultation today to discover whether you could be suitable for treatment!