The Revolution Of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision

The Revolution Of PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision

As you age, glasses become one of your best friends enabling you to do all sorts of activities.  With many different options for Laser Eye Surgery, the London Vision Clinic has pioneered a new technique called PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision.  This new technique is only offered at London Vision Clinic with laser eye surgery pioneer Professor Dan Reinstein leading the way.

Why Choose PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision?

Along with all other body parts your eyes age as well. This new treatment caters especially to those who are older and have used glasses for an extensive period of time.  As a result, the treatment allows you to see close and distant objects not just one or the other.   Furthermore  PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is an ideal treatment for those who have suffered from ageing eyes and would like to experience the feeling of having ‘young eyes’ again.

Not Convinced About PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision?

Still on the fence about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision?  Consider some of the facts to reassure you:

  • PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision is more effective than contact lenses
  • 97% percent of prospective patients are suitable for the procedure
  • After the procedure, 90% of patients are able to read tiny printed instructions on prescription bottles

With these overwhelming positive facts it is reassuring to know that PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision caters to the needs for those who suffer from aging eyes! Take a look at a patient who experienced the same problem and looked to PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision to cure his needs.

Dave experienced a problem with aging eyes (a condition called presbyopia).  He says, “I had PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision treatment about 3-4 years ago and it works well for me. I was getting to the stage of needing different glasses depending on my activity and as I enjoy sports, glasses were inconvenient at times. Since the treatment I feel totally liberated from glasses and sports are much easier, especially swimming.”

Categories: Laser eye surgery

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  • Hello
    I had laser surgery 19 years ago for short sightedness.
    I’m now 47 & am having trouble reading & computer work & wear reading glasses.
    I’d love to know if I’m a candidate for laser again to correct vision & avoid glasses.
    Happy to come for a consult but don’t want to waste time if I would be ruled out.

    • Dear Simone,
      Thanks for your message. We recommend you to get in touch with us to chat your vision through with one of our patient care coordinators on 020 7224 1005.
      They will be able to talk to you about Presbyopia and your possible treatment options.
      Kind Regards,
      London Vision Clinic