Lost Glasses and Steamed Up Lenses: Time to Get Rid!

The invention of glasses centuries ago completely revolutionised vision correction. No more were people having to use heavy “reading stones”, as is believed to have been the technology in ninth-century Spain, or as the Roman Emperor Nero was said to do, gaze through an emerald to magnify the spectacle of the gladiatorial games!

While the exact origins of glasses as we know them today are still somewhat hazy, we do know that these valuable visual aids have been under near-constant development for around 800 years. In that time, glasses have gone from a luxury to be enjoyed by the most prominent individuals in society to a common sight in many countries around the world. But while glasses might once have been a revelation, later innovations have made us more sensitive to their flaws.

So, let’s take a closer look at some of these flaws and why it might finally be time to get rid of the pesky glasses!

Forgotten Frames

It happens to the best of us. You find yourself in need of your glasses but when you go to grab them from your bag or your desk, they appear to have disappeared into thin air! If you’re lucky you’ll find them a couple of hours later – on your head perhaps! But if not, retracing your steps can be a long and frustrating pastime.

Maybe you have been out to a restaurant for lunch or dinner. You might have needed your glasses to read the menu and left without them. Now it’s the next day and all there is to be done is hope the waiter put them somewhere for safekeeping!

But wait – you took some form of public transport after your meal. Perhaps a train or a taxi. Did you have your glasses with you then? (You probably regret having had that extra glass of wine by this point). Hopefully, it was a kind taxi driver who wouldn’t mind returning your specs. If, on the other hand, you opted for a bus or a train, retrieving your glasses might be a tad bit harder…

Maybe it’s better to hope they are waiting for you at home. If not, you can always shell out for some new ones, right? Not again!

Scratched and Steamed-up Specs

You’re riding your motorbike when suddenly your glasses start to fog up. Or you’re cooking dinner on the stove when suddenly, your glasses start to fog up. Or perhaps you simply walk into a warm room, or down the freezer aisle at the local supermarket when – you guessed it! – your glasses suddenly fog up!

Maybe you (or one of your family members) have accidentally sat on the pair you left on the sofa… Now it’s time to balance the lenses on your face with the help of one flimsy arm. Or you’ve dropped your specs one time too often and looking through the scratched lenses seems even more blurry than your vision without the glasses!

Just like losing the odd pair, it can be easy to accept a new scratch on the lens, broken arm or fogged-up lenses as an unavoidable part of being a glasses wearer. After all, other than avoiding all these everyday activities and mishaps altogether, there’s nothing else to be done. Or is there?

Of course, you can invest in anti-fog sprays to protect your glasses. But even the longest-lasting of these products requires re-application eventually. Thankfully, there is another option that lasts much longer.

Ditch the Glasses for Clear Vision

Of course, many people’s initial solution to the many drawbacks of glasses is to switch to contact lenses. After all, they are discrete, they don’t get in the way, and it’s much more difficult to leave them on the bus! But contact lenses aren’t without some drawbacks of their own. They are often more expensive than glasses and can even significantly increase your risk of developing an eye infection.

So, what’s left? Well, Laser Eye Surgery of course!

Recent developments mean that Laser Eye Surgery can now successfully correct more prescriptions than ever before. Moreover, it is suitable for the vast majority of patients and often works out, over the long term – at better value than both glasses and contact lenses!

At the London Vision Clinic, we’re able to successfully treat most of the patients we see, whether they are short-sighted, long-sighted, astigmatic, or have presbyopia! So, what are you waiting for? Maybe it’s time to ditch the glasses for good.

If you’d like to learn more about a life without glasses, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators today! Alternatively, Book a Consultation at our Harley Street clinic using the form below.

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