Options for laser eye surgery

Understanding the options for Laser Eye Surgery Nowadays, we are privileged (or cursed?) with far more options than we could ever really need for almost everything in our lives. It can be hard enough to decide which TV show to binge, or which bottle of wine to buy – never mind which of the seemingly endless options for Laser Eye Surgery treatments is right for you. Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting prospect in any circumstances, and being bombarded…

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes It’s taken us a long time to get to this point — around a thousand years to be more exact. Even longer if you count the early work of Greek scholars like Euclid and Aristotle. Back then if you were afflicted by poor eyesight, you didn’t have much choice other than to deal with it. But it wasn’t all bad; you may even have been thought of as blessed and sought after for certain crafts…

Glasses vs contacts vs surgery

Glasses vs. Contacts vs. Surgery If you want to improve your vision, you have three choices: glasses, contacts, or Laser Eye Surgery. And listed from the smallest to the largest commitment, most people progress through them in that order — over many, many stress and pain-filled years. But this guide is here to save you the time and hassle. With our reviews of each, you’ll be able to make a well-informed decision today. In not decades but minutes, you’ll be equipped…