A patient’s guide to Laser Eye Surgery

A patient’s guide to Laser Eye Surgery Navigating the Laser Eye Surgery landscape can be a tricky job – especially on your own. Finding your way through the jargon and complicated abbreviations, trying to understand the enticing discounts and limited offers, even figuring out the difference between complex-sounding techniques – and all this before you even set foot inside a clinic! Whether you’re trying to find an honest and reliable clinic, want to know if you’re suitable for treatment, or…

Do I qualify for Lasik?

Do I qualify for LASIK? That time has come around yet again. You need to get a shiny new pair of glasses. The trends change, you see a pair you just have to have, or, if you’re anything like the typical glasses wearer, you’ve scratched, snapped, or lost your current ones so you need a new pair ASAP. Naturally, as you go through all the hassle and add up the extra costs, it can get you thinking about what other…

Is it worth getting Laser Eye Surgery?

Is it worth getting Laser Eye Surgery? There’s no shortage of reasons why someone might want to have Laser Eye Surgery. Some of them are incredibly deep and meaningful: A guy who’s having his second child and wants to be able to help roll or wake up in the middle of the night without worrying about finding his glasses. But most reasons are pretty mundane and simple: Just being able to wake up in the morning and not have to search the…

Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision?

Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision? Like one of those dull headaches that appears when you wake up in the morning, double vision can come about for a heck of a lot of reasons. In fact, if I were to try and list them all here, I might start to get double vision myself. Despite it being such a hard symptom to pin to an exact cause, there are a number of conditions with which double vision…

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes

Alternatives to laser surgery for your eyes It’s taken us a long time to get to this point — around a thousand years to be more exact. Even longer if you count the early work of Greek scholars like Euclid and Aristotle. Back then if you were afflicted by poor eyesight, you didn’t have much choice other than to deal with it. But it wasn’t all bad; you may even have been thought of as blessed and sought after for certain crafts…

Best time of year for Laser Eye Surgery

Best time of year for Laser Eye Surgery The 18th-century English theologian John Trusler once said, there’s “no time like the present, a thousand unforeseen circumstances may interrupt you at a future time”. I don’t know about you, but when I hear such things I feel like the literary greats and wise philosophers of yesteryears had a window right into 21st-century life. And even more eerily, directly into my own scattered mind. Dithering is my middle name. Most of my life is spent weighing…