
What are the Suitability Differences Between LASIK, LASEK/PRK and SMILE?

The vast majority of patients undergoing laser eye surgery worldwide are suitable for LASIK. Roughly, 10% of patients have LASEK or PRK. The main consideration when recommending LASEK or PRK over LASIK is corneal thickness. Secondary considerations include the patient’s pre-operative prescription. In this video, Mr Carp provides a thorough explanation as to when he would recommend one treatment over the other…

Common Questions About Eye Treatments

Common Questions About Eye Treatments at London Vision Clinic At London Vision Clinic, we are proud to be one of the leading Laser Eye Surgery clinics in the world – but we also offer a range of other eye treatments, from Clear Lens Exchange to Cataract Surgery. In this article, we’re answering some common questions about all of our eye treatments and linking to articles where you can find more information. What is LASIK? LASIK – an abbreviation of laser-assisted…

How Does Laser Eye Surgery Correct Refractive Errors?

How Does Laser Eye Surgery Correct Refractive Errors? For many people, Laser Eye Surgery still remains a rather scary concept. But a lot of people also don’t realise that Laser Eye Surgery has now been around for a long time – around four decades, in fact. In this time, the technology used and our understanding of the process has continuously evolved, making Laser Eye Surgery one of the safest and most common elective procedures in the world. Nonetheless, the general…

Understanding the Safety and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery

Understanding the Safety and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting prospect. Let’s face it, opting for elective surgery on one of our most valuable and important assets – our eyes – is a decision that requires a lot of thought, research, and preparation. But, the abundance of misinformation and tabloid-style scare stories spread around on the internet can make it difficult to truly understand the safety and risks of Laser Eye Surgery. Let’s start…

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure?

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure? It is a well-known phenomenon that we humans are suckers for the latest version – no matter what it is. When it comes to buying a car, upgrading your phone, or getting a new household appliance, we typically want the most advanced version available. We consider the latest version to be the best – and in many cases, this is true. After all, the latest version has the advantage of the…

Will LASIK Eye Surgery Be Replaced With SMILE?

Will LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Be Replaced With SMILE? For over two decades, LASIK has been the most popular form of Laser Eye Surgery, granting millions of people around the world freedom from glasses and contact lenses. But will the growing availability of ReLEx SMILE surgery see LASIK become obsolete? Since the inception of Laser Eye Surgery in the early 1980s, the vision correction field has been at the forefront of surgical innovation. Technology and knowledge are evolving and improving…

ReLEx SMILE: The latest Innovation in Laser Eye Surgery

ReLEx SMILE: The latest innovation in Laser Eye Surgery The last few decades have brought a whole host of technological innovations that have improved almost every aspect of our lives. Almost everything is easier today than it was 40 years ago, from watching TV to planning a holiday. But many of the most important innovations of our time have improved healthcare and surgical techniques. Patients are now experiencing fewer complications, faster recovery times, and shorter hospital stays – and patients…

SMILE vs. LASIK vs. Surface Ablation

SMILE vs LASIK vs Surface Ablation For centuries, the go-to resolution for refractory conditions has been glasses, followed later on by contact lenses. While these options were both revolutionary in their time – and continue to offer significant results for millions – there is a new kid in town. The inception of Laser Eye Surgery four decades ago introduced a new era of elective procedures and promised to reduce our dependence on easily-lost glasses, and inconvenient contacts. But, the increasing…

Innovations in Laser Eye Surgery: ReLEx SMILE

Innovations in Laser Eye Surgery: ReLEx SMILE Let’s kick off this article with a simple fact: Having surgery is no fun. Moving on to a hospital ward; being made to wear the embarrassing gown; the food; waking up feeling worse than you did before; did I mention the food? And that’s all before you start to think about the procedure itself! Surgery is usually considered a last resort – something we have to undergo when there are no other options….