Is Cataract Surgery Painful? Preparing yourself for any kind of surgery can be a scary prospect. From planning your journey to the clinic or hospital and considering how long you might be away from home, to worries about the procedure itself – there is often a lot to consider. One of the most common questions that patients have when seeking treatment for cataracts is this: Is Cataract Surgery painful? Luckily, many ocular surgeries are now much less invasive than they…
Tag: side effects
What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?
What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Since the conception of Laser Eye Surgery almost four decades ago, countless developments and innovations have helped to make the procedure less invasive and more effective. Patients today experience shorter recovery times and are able to receive treatment for much higher prescriptions than in the past. But those aren’t the only selling point of Laser Eye Surgery. Despite dealing with an incredibly complex organ – our eyes – the procedure…
Understanding the Safety and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery
Understanding the Safety and Risks of Laser Eye Surgery Laser Eye Surgery can be a daunting prospect. Let’s face it, opting for elective surgery on one of our most valuable and important assets – our eyes – is a decision that requires a lot of thought, research, and preparation. But, the abundance of misinformation and tabloid-style scare stories spread around on the internet can make it difficult to truly understand the safety and risks of Laser Eye Surgery. Let’s start…
Myths and Questions About Laser Eye Surgery – Explained
Myths and Questions About Laser Eye Surgery – Explained When it comes to Laser Eye Surgery, most people start the process with a huge number of questions and concerns – many of which are unfortunately fuelled by long-standing myths. These myths often lead to misinformation and needless worry and anxiety. Here at London Vision Clinic, we want to debunk these myths and give you all the right information you need to make an informed decision about your treatment. so, let’s start…
When Can I Drive After Laser Eye Surgery Treatment? [VIDEO]
When Can I Drive After Laser Eye Surgery Treatment? When having any kind of surgery, it is only natural to consider the aftermath. How long until you are able to get back to your normal routine? Well, let’s take a look at some examples. After having your gall bladder removed, you’ll be looking at around two weeks before you can get back to your everyday life. For knee surgery, I’m afraid it’s more like six weeks. And a hip replacement?…
Guides: The “Dos and Don’ts” of Eye Drops
The “Dos and Don’ts” of Eye Drops The typical day in this modern era in which we live no doubt has a vast array of benefits. Everything you need is available at the touch of a button. All you have to do is whip out your laptop or phone and, within a matter of minutes, you have ordered your groceries! And yet, this screen-dominated life does have its drawbacks. It’s a sad fact that today, many of our eyes are…
What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery?
What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Not many medical treatments in this world are permanent fixes. Despite the impressive rate of medical innovation in recent years, the vast majority of treatment options still focus on symptom management. For example, medical equipment like glasses and crutches offer us temporary relief. Similarly, drugs may rid us of illness for a short while, yet they only get a hold on serious or chronic conditions with continual use. Not even invasive…
Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Dry Eyes? [video]
Dry eye is a relative contra indication to laser eye surgery. All patients at the London Vision Clinic who are found to have preoperative dry eye undergo an extensive review system whereby we try to evaluate the underlying cause of the patient’s dry eye. If this can subsequently be optimised through treatment regimes, we can boost the underlying tear film, resolve the dry eye and are able to offer these patients treatment….
What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? [VIDEO]
What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? Nerves play an important role in the Laser Eye Surgery recovery process. I’m not talking about the jitters, patients are usually very calm by this time — I’m on about a different set of nerves: those on the surface of your eye. The nerves on the surface of the eye are momentarily interrupted because of the pain-free laser process. Thankfully, though, these nerves possess the incredible power to regenerate over a period…
Side Effect: Dry eyes
Side Effect: Dry eyes Many think Laser Eye Surgery will bring a tear to the eye, but in actual fact it can often do the opposite. Laser Eye Surgery, like most forms of treatments, comes with a risk of experiencing side effects. Thankfully, these are relatively minor and tend to last no longer than a few weeks or months. With only a handful of side effects to contend with, surgeons are adept at managing them and reducing their chances of…