The Latest Advances in Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

The Latest Advances in Laser Eye Surgery To the uninitiated, the idea of lying under a machine that is about to use lasers to permanently remove tissue from your eye can easily be mistaken for a torture scene from a poorly received sci-fi movie. But what if we told you that this is a procedure that is carried out every single day, all around the world? And those invisible lasers are helping to give people permanently clear vision – all…

Sky Diver Jakob Anguiers has ReLEx SMILE [VIDEO]

Sky Diver Jakob Anguiers has ReLEx SMILE Back in 2017, Jakob Anguiers, skydiver and amateur Youtuber, found himself jumping out of an aeroplane and hurtling to the ground at a speed of around 125mph. While this in itself might sound incredible to most of us, it was actually pretty routine for Jakob. But, this time there was one difference: this was the first time he had jumped without contact lenses. You see, just one week before Jakob embarked on this…

Using LASEK / PRK Eye Surgery to Treat Your Refractive Error [VIDEO]

Using LASEK/PRK Eye Surgery to Treat Your Refractive Error If you have done any research at all into Laser Eye Surgery, you will probably have noticed that the profession is not averse to an abbreviation or two. Well, that’s kind of an understatement: between LASEK/PRK, LASIK, ReLEx SMILE – the truth is, you can’t get more than two minutes into your research without coming across at least one. While these abbreviations are obviously designed to replace complicated words that the…

Can Laser Eye Surgery Treat Strabismus and Squints? [VIDEO]

Strabismus or squints cannot be treated with laser eye surgery, as this is surgery that is required on the muscles around the eye. Laser eye surgery should have no bearing on a strabismus or a squint. It should not make the squint worse, it should not make it better. Occasionally, there may be a small residual refractive error after laser eye surgery, which may enhance the appearance of the squint but of course this can be managed either with further enhancement laser eye surgery or muscle surgery around the eye itself….

Jess Goddard Rows Across the Atlantic Just Six Weeks After Laser Eye Surgery [VIDEO]

Jess Goddard Rows Across the Atlantic Just Six Weeks After Laser Eye Surgery Each patient we see at London Vision Clinic has their own reasons for seeking vision correction. For all of our patients, though, Laser Eye Surgery is chosen to simply make their life easier. This can be as simple as never again having to worry about misplacing your glasses, cleaning contact lenses, or squinting at books and menus. For some, however, there are more specific reasons for choosing…

[VIDEO] Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work?

Understanding the Evolution of Laser Eye Surgery: How Does it Work? In the modern world that we all find ourselves in – wandering around with masterpieces of modern technology tucked in our pockets; with the potential to have life-changing surgery at our fingertips – it can be easy to distance ourselves from our history. I mean, can you imagine a time when you couldn’t ask ‘Google’ to answer a fleeting and inconsequential query at least five times a day? A…

Should I wait for a better procedure to be developed? What’s on the horizon?

Should I wait for a better procedure to be developed? What’s on the horizon? We all know the feeling of having an “out-of-date” smartphone, car – or anything else for that matter. From feeling completely satisfied (and perhaps even a little superior) when we walk out of the shop or get that long-awaited delivery, knowing that we have the latest and greatest product available on the market. That feeling, however, is not likely to last very long. Your new phone,…

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure?

What is the Most Advanced Laser Eye Surgery Procedure? It is a well-known phenomenon that we humans are suckers for the latest version – no matter what it is. When it comes to buying a car, upgrading your phone, or getting a new household appliance, we typically want the most advanced version available. We consider the latest version to be the best – and in many cases, this is true. After all, the latest version has the advantage of the…

Will LASIK Eye Surgery Be Replaced With SMILE?

Will LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Be Replaced With SMILE? For over two decades, LASIK has been the most popular form of Laser Eye Surgery, granting millions of people around the world freedom from glasses and contact lenses. But will the growing availability of ReLEx SMILE surgery see LASIK become obsolete? Since the inception of Laser Eye Surgery in the early 1980s, the vision correction field has been at the forefront of surgical innovation. Technology and knowledge are evolving and improving…

ReLEx SMILE: The latest Innovation in Laser Eye Surgery

ReLEx SMILE: The latest innovation in Laser Eye Surgery The last few decades have brought a whole host of technological innovations that have improved almost every aspect of our lives. Almost everything is easier today than it was 40 years ago, from watching TV to planning a holiday. But many of the most important innovations of our time have improved healthcare and surgical techniques. Patients are now experiencing fewer complications, faster recovery times, and shorter hospital stays – and patients…