A day in the life of an ophthalmic surgeon

Day in the life of an ophthalmic surgeon The human eye is one of the most complex optical systems known to man. With their over two million working parts, each eye collects light, regulates it, focuses it, and finally converts it into the image you see of the world. To tinker with this system is not a job for the faint-hearted. And so, despite the average eye being less than two inches across, there is a pretty large group of…

What’s Included In Laser Eye Surgery Costs?

Many eye clinics attract patients by keeping surgery prices low by treating a high turnover of patients (sticking to simpler cases and offering a reduced standard of care). At London Vision Clinic, perfection is our minimum standard. Gain further insight into what the laser eye surgery cost includes to drive the best possible vision results….

Sooner or later you should visit a clinic

Sooner or later you should visit a clinic Because there is so much information available and so many places where you can go to find things out, it’s easy to spend a lot of time researching and planning and very little time actually doing. This is true for anything: decorating the lounge, buying a new house, going on holiday, or simply buying a new yoga mat. However, with an abundance of information out there online, it is especially true for…

Can I see my Laser Eye Surgery being performed?

Can I see my Laser Eye Surgery being performed? You’re looking forward to having greater vision following the surgery, but what exactly do you see during the procedure? This is one of the most common concerns that frequents the mind of those considering Laser Eye Surgery, along with similar queries like ‘Will the treatment hurt?’, and, ‘How long does the procedure take?’ This is perfectly natural — in fact, it’s best practice to find out all the details of the…


Guide to PRK/LASEK vs LASIK vs SMILE Despite there being a seemingly endless list of laser treatments to choose from, when it comes down to it, there are actually only three main types you need to know: PRK/LASEK, LASIK, and SMILE Treatments such as UltraLASIK, Accu-wave LASIK, Custom LASIK UltraLASIKplus, Zyoptix and Wavefront LASIK, are simply brand names that clinics think up in an attempt to differentiate what is effectively the same, albeit packaged slightly differently, treatment. They often do…

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? [VIDEO]

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? Nerves play an important role in the Laser Eye Surgery recovery process. I’m not talking about the jitters, patients are usually very calm by this time — I’m on about a different set of nerves: those on the surface of your eye. The nerves on the surface of the eye are momentarily interrupted because of the pain-free laser process. Thankfully, though, these nerves possess the incredible power to regenerate over a period…

Here’s to the readers, the adventurers, the young-at-hearters

Here’s to the readers, the adventurers, the young-at-hearters If Dylan Thomas’s 1947 poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night”, could be summed up in one line, it would be: “Old age should burn and rave at close of day”. But it can’t be. Although short and concise as it is, Thomas crafted every single word to try and convey the full power of his feelings on a very personal matter, his father’s imminent death, and get across exactly why…

Always Get A Second Opinion

Always Get A Second Opinion For a long time, the line between what was and what wasn’t possible was solid and definitive like a concrete wall. But in 2018, with technologies advancing at an ever more rapid pace and new innovations replacing old ones all the time, we’re realising it’s actually much more like a fine line in the sand. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the field of vision correction. For example, walk up any high street in search…

What’s The Secret To Great LASIK Surgery Aftercare?

What’s The Secret To Great LASIK Surgery Aftercare? Trust is vital no matter what area of your body or health you’re dealing with. But with Laser Eye Surgery being more widely available than almost any other medical treatment, this statement is ever truer when it comes to fixing your eyes. But when we talk about trust, we don’t just mean you have a “good feeling” about the clinic or surgeon. We mean they have a proven track record of treating…

What’s it like working in and around Harley Street

What’s it like working in and around Harley Street For centuries, the closest most people got to Harley Street was knowing the name of an aristocrat, celebrity, or some other well-to-do person who’d allegedly received treatment there. Since the 19th century, the street has been known for providing world-class medical services to the mega-rich and ultra-elite classes. Florence Nightingale and Dr Edward Bach practised there, treating the likes of King George VI for his stammer and Stephen Hawking for motor neuron…