Should I Make Any Lifestyle Changes For Laser Eye Surgery?

Should I Make Any Lifestyle Changes For Laser Eye Surgery? When first considering your options for Laser Eye Surgery, your initial questions probably relate to your suitability and the treatment itself. But soon enough you will likely begin to think about the broader implications of surgery. For example, will you have to make any lifestyle changes? In the case of other kinds of surgery, you can expect to make significant changes to your lifestyle both before and after the procedure….

The Laser Eye Surgery Recovery Process and What to Expect

How Long is the Recovery Process, and What Should I Expect? Like any kind of surgical procedure, Laser Eye Surgery can instil fear in any prospective patient. But this is largely a fear of the unknown – a fear accompanied by an abundance of questions and concerns, from “Does Laser Eye Surgery hurt?” to “How long is the recovery process?”. The good news is, here at London Vision Clinic, there is always a friendly professional on hand to answer these…

Common Questions: Is it Painful After Cataract Surgery?

Is it Painful After Cataract Surgery? Our eyes are extraordinary organs. Not only do they allow us to see the world around us, but they do so with the help of literally millions of individual parts. In fact, the human eye is among the most complex organs in the natural world. Of course, this endlessly impressive organ also happens to be pretty sensitive. So, when the prospect of undergoing surgery on your eyes emerges, it is more than understandable that…

What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the Common Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Since the conception of Laser Eye Surgery almost four decades ago, countless developments and innovations have helped to make the procedure less invasive and more effective. Patients today experience shorter recovery times and are able to receive treatment for much higher prescriptions than in the past. But those aren’t the only selling point of Laser Eye Surgery. Despite dealing with an incredibly complex organ – our eyes – the procedure…

What causes halos after LASIK? [VIDEO]

What Causes Halos After LASIK? The appearance of halos is one of the most common side effects associated with Laser Eye surgery treatment. No, that doesn’t mean you will be walking around with a glowing ring floating above your head as soon as you leave the treatment room. We’re talking about another kind of halo. Visual halos are a form of glare that can temporarily affect vision after undergoing refractive surgery. They occur mainly at night and in low light conditions –…

When Can I Drive After Laser Eye Surgery Treatment? [VIDEO]

When Can I Drive After Laser Eye Surgery Treatment? When having any kind of surgery, it is only natural to consider the aftermath. How long until you are able to get back to your normal routine? Well, let’s take a look at some examples. After having your gall bladder removed, you’ll be looking at around two weeks before you can get back to your everyday life. For knee surgery, I’m afraid it’s more like six weeks. And a hip replacement?…

Guides: The “Dos and Don’ts” of Eye Drops

The “Dos and Don’ts” of Eye Drops The typical day in this modern era in which we live no doubt has a vast array of benefits. Everything you need is available at the touch of a button. All you have to do is whip out your laptop or phone and, within a matter of minutes, you have ordered your groceries! And yet, this screen-dominated life does have its drawbacks. It’s a sad fact that today, many of our eyes are…

Should I expect both eyes to heal at the same rate?

Should I expect both eyes to heal at the same rate? Over the last few decades, Laser Eye Surgery has become the most popular elective surgery in the world. This achievement has been largely influenced by the relative simplicity of the procedure. As with any good design, it takes tools and knowledge which are inherently complex – in this case, state-of-the-art lasers and the human eye – to form something that is accessible, effective, and can be enjoyed by all….

How soon after laser eye treatment can I swim?

How soon after laser eye treatment can I swim? You’re told one of the most important things you can do after Laser Eye Surgery is to prevent your eyes from drying out. So you do as instructed and refrain from using your tablet or phone, reading, and watching TV, and staring into the sun, for at least 24 hours, and get into the habit of routinely using lubricating drops. You also hold off jumping in aeroplane cabin that’s void of…