Common Questions: Is LASIK recommended after 50?

Is LASIK recommended after 50? It’s natural to regret the silly mistakes we make in our youth but, as we get older, it’s the things we didn’t do that often hold the most regret. It should make sense, then, that as we age, Laser Eye Surgery begins to look more and more appealing. After all, who wants to spend their golden years fumbling around for lost glasses or wrestling with fiddly contact lenses? Far better to take the plunge and find…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Macular Degeneration? [VIDEO]

Can I have Laser Eye Surgery if I have Macular Degeneration? It is estimated that macular degeneration affects around 600,000 people in the UK alone and millions worldwide. As such, it is the leading cause of sight loss globally. But does having macular degeneration mean you are unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery? What is Macular Degeneration? Also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) due to its association with ageing, macular degeneration is, in fact, a genetic condition that can affect…

Guide to Contact Lenses, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery

Guide to Contact Lenses, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery Updated for 2025 Glasses, contact lenses, and Laser Eye Surgery can all be extremely effective solutions to refractive errors. But deciding which option is best can depend on a range of factors. In fact, your opinion can change depending on the articles you have read, the people you have asked, and even what stage you are in in life. But here at London Vision Clinic, we’re on a mission to set…

Symptoms and Treatments for Presbyopia (Reading Glasses)

Symptoms and Treatments for Presbyopia (Reading Glasses) Like many of the common signs of ageing, presbyopia is unfortunately a problem that will eventually come to us all. In fact, most of us aged over 40 will have probably started to notice the signs of this common vision problem. You might initially dismiss these symptoms but eventually, as the annoyance persists, you’ll concede that something really needs to be done. But what are the symptoms of presbyopia – also flatteringly known…

Growing Arms or Presbyopia: Is it Time to Take Action?

Growing Arms or Presbyopia: Is it Time to Take Action? As hard as we might try – and as effective as some skincare and hair products might be – we can’t stop all the signs of ageing. We might start to notice that our knees aren’t as strong as they once were and our backs might ache more, but there is one effect of ageing that is often even more frustrating: presbyopia. If you’re in the throes of middle age,…

Common Misconceptions About Ageing: You Don’t Need to Suffer Reading Glasses

Common Misconceptions About Ageing: You Don’t Need to Suffer Reading Glasses It’s an inevitable problem. One day, all of us will find that reading a newspaper, checking receipts, and even reading restaurant menus no longer comes so easily. Unfortunately, with age comes deteriorating eyesight (among many other things). But that doesn’t mean we have to suffer reading glasses! Anyone who has reached a certain age will soon begin to notice the loss of their near-vision focusing ability. Eventually, whether after a…

Cheap Reading Glasses: A Help or Hindrance?

Cheap Reading Glasses: A Help or Hindrance? We can all be forgiven for ignoring our inevitable reliance on reading glasses – particularly those lucky enough to have never needed glasses or contact lenses before. After all, your vision has been perfect your whole life – why would you worry? But then, you start to notice a difference. Perhaps you caught yourself squinting when reading a receipt or newspaper, or maybe you’ve started getting headaches when working at your computer. Whatever…

Understanding Your Vision: A Closer Look at Your Prescription

Understanding Your Vision: A Closer Look at Your Prescription If you’re new to the idea of wearing glasses, or if your prescription has changed recently, you might be left feeling a little confused about what all those measurements really mean. Even if you have been wearing glasses or contact lenses for years, you might have been satisfied with simply knowing whether you are short-sighted, long-sighted, or astigmatic. After all, all the detailed numbers and symbols aren’t really for you, right?…

What Does Freedom From Glasses Really Mean?

What Does Freedom From Glasses Really Mean? For those who have worn glasses for most of their lives, it can be difficult to imagine just what freedom from the frames is really like. You’ve become used to scrambling around the bedside table every morning looking for your specs. Or showering in blurriness as you prepare to start your day. Maybe living a glasses-free life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Then again, it would be nice to prepare a…

How Ageing Affects Your Eyes (And How Laser Eye Surgery Can Help)

How Ageing Affects Your Eyes (And How Laser Eye Surgery Can Help) There comes a certain point in our lives when all the years behind us seem to suddenly catch up with us – at least on a physical level. Our knees become increasingly stubborn, our hair begins to exhibit never-before-seen shades of grey, and (perhaps most devastatingly) our eyes start to fail us. But how exactly does ageing affect the eyes – and how could Laser Eye Surgery help?…