How long will I need to take off work?

How long will I need to take off work after Laser Eye Surgery? Your eyes have an incredible defence and healing power. They filter out dust and dirt, heal scratches within a matter of hours, and recover and adapt to adjustments made during Laser Eye Surgery in a very short time. For us, that means little down time moping around the house and more time enjoying our new improved vision. In fact, in as little as 24 hours after Laser…

Afraid of Laser Eye Surgery

Afraid of Laser Eye Surgery   The first feeling I had when I heard the term Laser Eye Surgery was fear. Before obtaining all the facts, the words ‘laser’ and ‘eyes’ in the same sentence were enough to invoke some vivid and unpleasant imagery. Unbeknown to me, this immediate gut reaction was effective for many years in keeping the idea of ever having Laser Eye Surgery far from being a possibility. This happens much more often than we know: we…

Can I talk to someone who has been treated?

Can I talk to someone who has been treated? Not too long ago, advertisements and salespeople were the main influences in our decisions to buy certain products or use certain services. If you were lucky, you may of had a friend or family member who could offer you a recommendation, but more often than not you were buying in blind faith. Today, many people won’t make a purchase until they’ve found out exactly what others have to say about it….

How long after the consultation can I have treatment

How long after the consultation can I have treatment? Your Laser Eye Surgery journey will vary slightly from that of others, but there are five fundamental steps in the process that everyone will go through. These five steps are: Initial contact with the clinic, the consultation and assessment, the treatment itself, the aftercare regime, and the post-treatment period of enjoying greater vision. In the first step of initiating contact with a clinic, you’ll have a brief conversation about the surgery…

How soon can I be back on my iPhone/iPad

How soon can I be back on my iPhone/iPad Some think the best thing we could do is take a little bit of time away from our smartphones and tablets. But there’s no doubt they play an indispensable part in modern day life. I’ve always been one to pull a face when sitting in a cafe or taking a bus downtown and noticing that the majority of people have their heads buried in a screen. But after recently loosing my…

Short-sighted? What You Can Expect From Laser Eye Surgery

Short-sighted? What You Can Expect From Laser Eye Surgery Unless you’re lucky and still in the honeymoon period of wearing them, you’re probably fed up with wearing glasses. It’s frustrating having to reach for your specs every time you want to read something. It’s costly when you break or misplace them. And it’s simply defeating when you discover yet another activity you can’t do because of them. But what am I saying — you already know all of this. By…

How quickly do you recover from Laser Eye Surgery?

How quickly do you recover from Laser Eye Surgery? If you’re looking for the fastest and most effective way to improve your vision, then you’ve come to the right place. Granted, having Laser Eye Surgery may seem not as quick a solution as popping on a pair of glasses or contact lenses. But if you add up the amount of time in your life you have spent (and will spend) searching for your glasses, faffing with contacts, or visiting your…

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ If you’re looking for our results, you can review the London Vision Clinic’s statistical results and patient reviews. Can I go blind after Laser Eye Surgery? To watch Mr. Glenn Carp answer this question in a video click here. Essentially, no. Technically there is an exceedingly small risk of blindness with laser eye surgery but it is lower than the risk of wearing monthly contact lenses for one year, so a risk that everyone seems to…