How to age gracefully (with Phil) There comes a point in everyone’s life when they find themselves faced with the inevitable truth of ageing. Even though it’s happening from the very moment you’re born, it can be decades until you have to face the fact — not least because most of us are pushing it away for as long as possible. For Phillip Schofield, that time came at just sixteen years of age, when his hair started to turn grey….
Tag: Presbyopia
Laser Eye Surgery for older patients
Laser Eye Surgery for older patients The last thing you want as you get older is to have surgery. The uncomfortable feeling of being in hospital, the lengthy recovery times, the hassle and expense — not to mention the worry the procedure won’t work as desired. But all that is nothing compared to if the surgery is directly related to the fact you’re getting older. Like you don’t feel awkward enough with your gown and bare buttocks, you have the…
Rolling back the years: How to treat presbyopia
Rolling back the years: How to treat presbyopia We accept ageing as a fact — an unavoidable process that governs all existence and affects us whether we like it or not. And in many ways, it is. Ageing is one part of the biological puzzle that continues to evade even the brightest minds and the most cutting edge technology. However, all is not lost; many experts believe an effective solution to slowing down and even reversing ageing is on the…
Fed up of the constant on/off of reading glasses?
Fed up of the constant on/off of reading glasses? Only needing visual aid for some distances and not others presents a unique problem for wearers of reading glasses: where to put the damn things when you’re not wearing them. You don’t want to always wear a shirt with a breast pocket and you’d rather not hang them from a chain around your neck like an old fashioned librarian; the only solution you’ve found is to have hundreds of pairs strewn all over the…
PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time
PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time If you know a little bit about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, you may have noticed it treats the symptoms of presbyopia in a similar way to the traditional approach of monovision. This is indeed true. Both treatments work by increasing the range of your vision by independently altering the focus of each eye — one to work better up close, and the other to work better at a distance. But the similarities end there….
How good a solution to reading glasses is Laser Eye Surgery?
How good a solution to reading glasses is Laser Eye Surgery? Do you sometimes feel like you’d do anything to free yourself from those irritating rims that always seem to disappear or break? Even the inconvenience of having to find them every time you need to read something is enough to make you cry out in frustration and throw them as far as the eye can see. But, usually just as quickly as the feeling arises, it settles, and you continue…
Asia Cornea Society
Asia Cornea Society Bali, July 2016, and it’s the first session of the 29th Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons annual meeting: the Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societies (CSCRS). The world’s leading eye experts from the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) convene for a mastermind meeting focused on eradicating the problem of ageing eyes. This year the aim of the CSCRS, which acts as “an…
Dr Pixie McKenna Describes Her Experience As A Doctor Visiting London Vision Clinic
It’s no secret that despite almost two decades of doctoring, I am still a terrible patient. But, in December, having toyed with the idea for ages, I decided to take the leap and see if I was suitable for laser eye surgery….
Roy Moëd, Founder Of LifeBook UK, Tells His Laser Eye Surgery Story
Having good vision is so essential for our jobs and our personal lives – but something we often take for granted. After I studied to become a private pilot, having good eyesight became an undisputed priority, but I continued to ‘make do’ with spectacles when flying and didn’t give it much further thought….
What A Drag It Is Choosing New Glasses…
As a delighted London Vision Clinic patient who – in a weak, sibling-bonding moment – offered to help her sister choose new frames, I was recently struck by what a drag it is selecting new glasses. The selection process can be akin to negotiating a very expensive minefield littered with costly mistakes and fashion blunders at every turn. …