Cheap Reading Glasses: A Help or Hindrance?

Cheap Reading Glasses: A Help or Hindrance? We can all be forgiven for ignoring our inevitable reliance on reading glasses – particularly those lucky enough to have never needed glasses or contact lenses before. After all, your vision has been perfect your whole life – why would you worry? But then, you start to notice a difference. Perhaps you caught yourself squinting when reading a receipt or newspaper, or maybe you’ve started getting headaches when working at your computer. Whatever…

How Ageing Affects Your Eyes (And How Laser Eye Surgery Can Help)

How Ageing Affects Your Eyes (And How Laser Eye Surgery Can Help) There comes a certain point in our lives when all the years behind us seem to suddenly catch up with us – at least on a physical level. Our knees become increasingly stubborn, our hair begins to exhibit never-before-seen shades of grey, and (perhaps most devastatingly) our eyes start to fail us. But how exactly does ageing affect the eyes – and how could Laser Eye Surgery help?…

Are You Feeling Conscious About Your Reading Glasses?

Are You Feeling Conscious About Your Reading Glasses? The average person has a lot to contend with as they get older; most of us will gain weight, tackle greying hair (if it doesn’t fall out), and develop wrinkles around our eyes, on our foreheads and, well, everywhere really. While some may embrace these changes with “grace”, many more of us will likely turn to the latest fads and solutions, from hair dye to skin creams, to satisfy our vanity. But…

Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia

Common Questions About Laser Eye Surgery for Presbyopia Despite the fact that Laser Corrective Surgery for presbyopia has now been around for almost 20 years (at London Vision Clinic, at least), many people are still unaware of its existence. For this reason, we regularly receive many questions from our patients about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision. We decided to answer some of the more common questions below, to help you stay as informed as possible when considering your options for presbyopia….

At What Age Can I Expect to Need Reading Glasses?

At What Age Can I Expect to Need Reading Glasses? As we get older, most of us will start to notice changes in ourselves. Whether it’s the changing colour of our hair, the number of wrinkles around our eyes, or the strength of our joints, we can all expect to experience several physical changes eventually. But what about changes to our vision? At what age can we expect to need reading glasses? Unfortunately, deteriorating vision is a natural part of…

George Chesterton of GQ Magazine has PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision [VIDEO]

George Chesterton of GQ Magazine has PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision If you are going to be an Editor of one of the world’s biggest magazine publications, there are a few things you should consider… You have to be a critic who has an eye for detail as well as a vision for the bigger picture. You need to balance impartiality with fearlessness in voicing your opinion. But, perhaps more important than all that, you have to be tough. Having been…

Expert Ophthalmologist Trusts London Vision Clinic with Presbyopia Treatment

Expert Ophthalmologist Trusts London Vision Clinic with Presbyopia Treatment Every patient wants to know that they are getting the best possible care – especially when it comes to something as important as our vision. Individuals who know better than most how important it is to take extra care with your eyes are those who work in the industry themselves. So, when an expert ophthalmologist needs vision treatment, where do they go? Well, if you ask Ugo Di Sanctis – vision…

Laser Eye Surgery After 50

Laser Eye Surgery After 50 It is a common misconception that being over 50 automatically makes you unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery. The reality is, if your eyes are healthy and you have had a relatively stable prescription for two years, you will very likely still be suitable for treatment. In fact, around 97% of people – regardless of age – are suitable for Laser Eye Surgery! Nonetheless, all patients will require a consultation with a qualified surgeon to know…

How to age gracefully (with Phil)

How to age gracefully (with Phil) There comes a point in everyone’s life when they find themselves faced with the inevitable truth of ageing. Even though it’s happening from the very moment you’re born, it can be decades until you have to face the fact — not least because most of us are pushing it away for as long as possible. For Phillip Schofield, that time came at just sixteen years of age, when his hair started to turn grey….