What If My Optometrist Finds A Problem I Didn’t Know About?

People avoid doctors for many reasons. Some find appointments difficult to pack into a busy schedule, some are unwilling to open up to a doctor, or worried about perceived ‘time wasting’, and many even fear that being amongst sick people in the doctor’s waiting room will result in contamination! However, something that is perhaps discussed less often is the common fear that a doctor may find a problem that is bigger than what the appointment was initially booked for. This fear is, for many people, a reason to avoid regular visits to the GP, dentist, or optometrist….

What’s More Important – The Surgeon or the Technology Used for My Laser Eye Surgery?

Obviously good equipment will allow you to do bit more intensive preparing or generating profiles for the patient that are perhaps a little bit more refined compared to older equipment for example and secondly you need a good surgeon to know how to manipulate that equipment to get the most out of it. So it is a dual benefit if you have a good surgeon with a lot of experience and the latest equipment at the surgeon’s disposal….

Where Does My Laser Eye Surgery Treatment Take Place?

The surgical procedures are done here at the London Vision Clinic. We have fully operational surgery room in our basement, patients arrive on the surgery day, there is a nice waiting area for them to relax in, nice and quiet in the basement area. They are seen by one of the nursing staff who run through their preoperative medicines and this is then followed by the treatments and then subsequent to that is a recovery area where they can relax prior to going home….

Can I Take a Sedative Before my Laser Eye Surgery Procedure?

We advise all patients before the treatment that should they require something to relax them, it is available to them. We provide oral relaxants half an hour before the procedure to those patients who are particularly anxious. Having said that, the majority of people will accept that this is a very quick, less than 15 minute, procedure, completely painless and they prefer not to be sedated in any way so as to enjoy the after-effects afterwards because the results are direct. There is no delay in terms of response to the actual treatment, the vision is available straight away….

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Only One Good Eye? [video]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Only One Good Eye? Laser Eye Surgery has come a long way over the years. Not only is it more effective in the refractive errors that it can treat, but it is now suitable for more patients than ever before. In fact, at the best clinics, surgeons can treat even very high prescriptions in many patients that would once have been unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery. But what if you have…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Large Pupils? [VIDEO]

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Large Pupils? Most prospective patients understandably have a lot of questions when it comes to the possibility of having Laser Eye Surgery. Thankfully, most of these questions are fairly straightforward to answer. In fact, at London Vision Clinic, we strive to provide as much insight into Laser Eye Surgery and our other treatments as possible (just take a look at the rest of our blog!). But there are some questions that…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Epilepsy? [VIDEO]

Providing patients are well controlled on their conventional antiepileptic medication, there is no reason why an individual shouldn’t have laser eye surgery. The type of light that is used in the procedure is not strobe lighting, so this eliminates the concern that a flashing light may promote an epileptic attack….