Symptoms and Treatments for Presbyopia (Reading Glasses)

Symptoms and Treatments for Presbyopia (Reading Glasses) Like many of the common signs of ageing, presbyopia is unfortunately a problem that will eventually come to us all. In fact, most of us aged over 40 will have probably started to notice the signs of this common vision problem. You might initially dismiss these symptoms but eventually, as the annoyance persists, you’ll concede that something really needs to be done. But what are the symptoms of presbyopia – also flatteringly known…

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time If you know a little bit about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, you may have noticed it treats the symptoms of presbyopia in a similar way to the traditional approach of monovision. This is indeed true. Both treatments work by increasing the range of your vision by independently altering the focus of each eye — one to work better up close, and the other to work better at a distance. But the similarities end there….