Should I expect both eyes to heal at the same rate?

Should I expect both eyes to heal at the same rate? Over the last few decades, Laser Eye Surgery has become the most popular elective surgery in the world. This achievement has been largely influenced by the relative simplicity of the procedure. As with any good design, it takes tools and knowledge which are inherently complex – in this case, state-of-the-art lasers and the human eye – to form something that is accessible, effective, and can be enjoyed by all….

Can I have a glass of wine to celebrate my Laser Eye Surgery?

Can I have a glass of wine to celebrate my Laser Eye Surgery? Recovering from any surgery is an unpleasant experience at the best of times, and an absolute nightmare at the worst. And just to make it that little more unenjoyable, we’re advised to stay away from any alcohol whatsoever. That often means no relaxing glasses of wine, no whisky nightcaps, and definitely not any celebratory champers. When you can finally get back on the sauce depends on a number…

What to ask at your Laser Eye Surgery consultation

What to ask at your Laser Eye Surgery consultation Traditionally, Laser Eye Surgery has only been a good option for certain patients. Today, the treatment is much more accessible. As much as 96 percent of people who contact us are suitable candidates for treatment. With such promising figures, it would be easy to think Laser Eye Surgery is the solution for everyone – No matter if you’re a 20-year-old swimming athlete or a 70-year-old who reads insatiably. This is the way…

Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision?

Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision? Like one of those dull headaches that appears when you wake up in the morning, double vision can come about for a heck of a lot of reasons. In fact, if I were to try and list them all here, I might start to get double vision myself. Despite it being such a hard symptom to pin to an exact cause, there are a number of conditions with which double vision…

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? [VIDEO]

What causes dry eyes after laser vision correction? Nerves play an important role in the Laser Eye Surgery recovery process. I’m not talking about the jitters, patients are usually very calm by this time — I’m on about a different set of nerves: those on the surface of your eye. The nerves on the surface of the eye are momentarily interrupted because of the pain-free laser process. Thankfully, though, these nerves possess the incredible power to regenerate over a period…

Laser Eye Surgery really is transformational

Laser eye surgery really is transformational When you hear that Laser Eye Surgery is performed over fifteen thousands times every year in just the UK, it’s difficult to really get a sense of what that means. That’s thousands of people’s who’ve had their lives transformed in pretty much an instant. Young and old people, mothers and daughters, charity workers and CEOs; they all suffered in one form or another from poor vision, and Laser Eye Surgery was able to help them…

Always Get A Second Opinion

Always Get A Second Opinion For a long time, the line between what was and what wasn’t possible was solid and definitive like a concrete wall. But in 2018, with technologies advancing at an ever more rapid pace and new innovations replacing old ones all the time, we’re realising it’s actually much more like a fine line in the sand. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the field of vision correction. For example, walk up any high street in search…

What’s The Secret To Great LASIK Surgery Aftercare?

What’s The Secret To Great LASIK Surgery Aftercare? Trust is vital no matter what area of your body or health you’re dealing with. But with Laser Eye Surgery being more widely available than almost any other medical treatment, this statement is ever truer when it comes to fixing your eyes. But when we talk about trust, we don’t just mean you have a “good feeling” about the clinic or surgeon. We mean they have a proven track record of treating…

What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes

What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes Irritated, itchy, and dry. That’s how millions of people around the world would describe the condition of their eyes on a daily basis. If this sounds familiar, then you may not only have an inconvenient and uncomfortable situation on your hands but something more serious to your vision and long-term eye health. This is dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). And although it’s affecting an increasing number of people, it’s still often brushed off…

What is the Care Quality Commission, and why is it important?

What is the Care Quality Commission and why is it important If you’re going to work with a business that offers health and social care services, you need to know about the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You could say it’s like to healthcare what TripAdvisor is to hotels, or the food hygiene rating is to early-morning kebabs. Without it, there would be no agreed standard of care that dentists, nursing homes, ambulances, clinics, and hospitals have to meet. Terrible, I know;…