Always Get A Second Opinion

Always Get A Second Opinion For a long time, the line between what was and what wasn’t possible was solid and definitive like a concrete wall. But in 2018, with technologies advancing at an ever more rapid pace and new innovations replacing old ones all the time, we’re realising it’s actually much more like a fine line in the sand. Nowhere is this more noticeable than in the field of vision correction. For example, walk up any high street in search…

Laser Eye Surgery for older patients

Laser Eye Surgery for older patients The last thing you want as you get older is to have surgery. The uncomfortable feeling of being in hospital, the lengthy recovery times, the hassle and expense — not to mention the worry the procedure won’t work as desired. But all that is nothing compared to if the surgery is directly related to the fact you’re getting older. Like you don’t feel awkward enough with your gown and bare buttocks, you have the…

What happens if you blink during Laser Eye Surgery?

What happens if you blink during Laser Eye Surgery? You do it anything from 5 to 15 times a minute, every minute, every waking hour of the day. That’s 30,000 times, 99.9 percent of which happen without you being aware of it. It’s amazing really: we get on with our day while our bodies do all the blinking for us. Sliding those wafer thin folds of skin up and down whenever we need a little moisture or antibacterial protection from…

Best time of year for Laser Eye Surgery

Best time of year for Laser Eye Surgery The 18th-century English theologian John Trusler once said, there’s “no time like the present, a thousand unforeseen circumstances may interrupt you at a future time”. I don’t know about you, but when I hear such things I feel like the literary greats and wise philosophers of yesteryears had a window right into 21st-century life. And even more eerily, directly into my own scattered mind. Dithering is my middle name. Most of my life is spent weighing…

Astigmatism and Lasik surgery

Astigmatism and Lasik surgery According to some eye experts, all of us have astigmatism to some degree or other. But not all of us suffer from the eye strain, headaches, and fatigue that comes with the more severe cases. For this, unless you like spending your days squinting and rubbing your temples, you need some sort of corrective eyewear to function properly — or at least you used to. In the past, the best way and only way to treat astigmatism…

Fed up of the constant on/off of reading glasses?

Fed up of the constant on/off of reading glasses? Only needing visual aid for some distances and not others presents a unique problem for wearers of reading glasses: where to put the damn things when you’re not wearing them. You don’t want to always wear a shirt with a breast pocket and you’d rather not hang them from a chain around your neck like an old fashioned librarian; the only solution you’ve found is to have hundreds of pairs strewn all over the…

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time

PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision surgery recovery time If you know a little bit about PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, you may have noticed it treats the symptoms of presbyopia in a similar way to the traditional approach of monovision. This is indeed true. Both treatments work by increasing the range of your vision by independently altering the focus of each eye — one to work better up close, and the other to work better at a distance. But the similarities end there….

When does presbyopia start?

When does presbyopia start? Literally meaning “old eye”, presbyopia is the medical term we use for the natural effects of ageing on the eye. The first thing you’re likely to notice is a loss of ability to read fine print and focus on objects up close. It may be you’re holding the newspaper further and further away or squinting to read material you could once see clearly. Add to that stress, eyestrain, and headaches, and you’ve got a typical case of presbyopia. But…

Wake Up Sharp — Not Blurry with Laser Eye Surgery

Wake Up Sharp – Not Blurry – with Laser Eye Surgery All of us, at one time or another, have woken up with a foggy head and hazy vision – sometimes accompanied by a whisper of a headache. Having fumbled around on the bedside table for your glass of water or stumbled, arms stretched out in front of you, to the bathroom, you might not even be able to see yourself properly in the mirror. But while for some, this…

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery and Alcohol

Laser Eye Surgery and Alcohol, a quick guide Pregnancy, surgery, breastfeeding, taking antibiotics, having dinner with the parents-in-law — all times in our life when we’re advised to stay away from the liquor cabinet. And also, uncoincidentally, the times in our lives when we could most do with a nice drink or two. Nine months with another person growing inside of you without even a tipple of wine? A week with an unbearable ear infection and no soothing nightcaps? A whole…