Here’s to the readers, the adventurers, the young-at-hearters If Dylan Thomas’s 1947 poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night”, could be summed up in one line, it would be: “Old age should burn and rave at close of day”. But it can’t be. Although short and concise as it is, Thomas crafted every single word to try and convey the full power of his feelings on a very personal matter, his father’s imminent death, and get across exactly why…
Tag: laser eye surgery benefits
8 Things you should definitely not do whilst wearing specs
8 Things you should definitely not do whilst wearing specs When you first become a glasses wearer, you’re blissfully unaware that as well as signing up to rent your vision, you’re also signing away the right to do many things that were once simple and pleasurable. Your optometrist doesn’t tell you this, and it’s not like it’s all laid out somewhere in the small print. They’re simply something you have to discover and suffer through yourself. Commiserations if you recognise…
5 Things you can now do after Laser Eye Surgery
5 Things you can now do after Laser Eye Surgery When you have good eyesight, it’s easy to take many of the everyday pleasures in life for granted: having a trouble-free shower, reading menus and text messages, rolling around with the kids, waking up and knowing where you are. You’d think having first to perform a fiddly ritual of putting your contacts in or finding your glasses would make you appreciate these things more. But they don’t. In fact, they make…
The Pros And Cons Of Glasses And Contact Lenses
It can be difficult to decide whether glasses or contact lenses are right for you. Where glasses may be better for some things, contact lenses are an improvement in other areas. Laser eye surgery is an elective procedure that can eliminate the need to use glasses or contact lenses but before you decide to opt for it, we thought we’d share some pros and cons for glasses and contact lenses….