Does it really take 10,000 operations to be an expert?

Does it really take 10,000 operations to be an expert? Every industry is full to the brim of people that call themselves ‘experts’. To the everyday novice, it is often difficult to tell what measure makes a person an expert in any given field. In the space of self-mastery and professional development, there has long been an idea circulated about what this measure is – what it takes to become an official, bonified expert: a 1993 paper by Dr Anders…

Is the Laser Eye Surgery industry regulated?

Is the Laser Eye Surgery industry regulated? In the rapidly growing markets of the 21st century, statutory regulation is always playing catch up. The rise of “legal highs” is a perfect example of this. For a substance to be considered a legal high, its sale or use just had not to be banned by current legislation. The hundreds of labs discovering new synthetic compounds with psychoactive and mood-altering properties was simply no match for regulatory organisations, the job of whom is…