How many private eye surgery clinics in London?

How many private eye surgery clinics are there in London? When searching for a Laser Eye Surgery clinic in London, you’ve probably noticed there are a lot of names you’re not familiar with. Like many cities, there’s the usual big chains — companies like Optimax and Optical Express that operate and advertise on a national scale — but there are way more names like Advanced Vision Care, Moorfields, and Focus that are completely new to you. You also can’t help but…

Is it worth travelling to London for Laser Eye Surgery if you live in Leeds?

Is it worth travelling to London for Laser Eye Surgery if you live in Leeds? Getting from Leeds to London used to be an awkward affair that took an age to plan and even longer to arrive. Today within less than two and a half hours you can be in the nation’s capital, sipping a hot latte down by the Thames or exploring the depths of The British Museum, all for the cost of a nice lunch in Leeds (well, maybe…

Why London is the best place in the UK for Laser Eye Surgery

Why London is the best place in the UK for Laser Eye Surgery   People of all ages and cultures take a shine to London for its inclusively and diverse range of experiences and offerings. It’s a favourite among artists and songwriters from The Beatles and The Clash to Dickins and Alexander Mcqueen, its cobbled streets, evergreen parks, and enchanting history providing endless inspiration. It’s a favourite among foodies and connoisseurs of the finest British produce, offering some of the…

The number one reason Londoners have Laser Eye Surgery

The number one reason Londoners have Laser Eye Surgery Along with the likes of New York, Paris and Tokyo, London is known as one of the world’s leading global cities. The capital has become a central hub and a magnet for talent, drawing people from all over the globe and producing world-class performers in everything from the arts and media to finance and healthcare. It’s unsurprising then that ever since the 19th century, London has been a centre of medical…

A Lifetime Of Glasses Or Laser Eye Surgery?

 A Lifetime Of Glasses Or Laser Eye Surgery? A childhood friend of my was christened early by his peers with the name of ‘foggy’, simply because his glasses would always fog up when the temperature suddenly changed. It’s a silly story, but it touches on an important point that is part of a much larger problem for the frequent glasses wearer. Waking up to a blurry alarm clock, struggling to find where you placed them last, breaking a lens, going…

What A Drag It Is Choosing New Glasses…

As a delighted London Vision Clinic patient who – in a weak, sibling-bonding moment – offered to help her sister choose new frames, I was recently struck by what a drag it is selecting new glasses. The selection process can be akin to negotiating a very expensive minefield littered with costly mistakes and fashion blunders at every turn. …

From Emu Creek To Harley Street

From Emu Creek To Harley Street Although during her career, Dani had acquired a wide range of nursing qualifications and experiences, she had never worked with eyes before so, in April 2007, when she accepted the position at the London Vision Clinic, she found herself on another fascinating learning curve.   Recently promoted to “Senior Nurse”, Dani ‘s responsibilities include helping explain to patients pre and post-operative procedures. She and the other nurses are on hand to help calm nerves…

Meeting Senior Nurse Dani

Meeting Senior Nurse Dani Nursing has to be one of the most varied careers in existence: where and how nurses choose to practice their skills is only limited by their imagination. A shining example of this is the London Vision Clinic´s senior nurse, Dani Barrett. Her professional qualifications have taken her from the tiny Australian outback village of Emu Creek to London’s Harley Street via a journey that would even make ER scriptwriters question the story line as being too…

The Long And Winding Road To Harley Street

o why did the London Vision Clinic need to move from their cosy Devonshire Place home of the last six years?

The answer lies in the word “cosy”. The clinic’s premises had become just too snug a fit for the business which has tripled in size since March 2003….