8 Things You Can’t Do When Wearing Contact Lenses

8 Things You Can’t Do When Wearing Contact Lenses Many people with refractive errors, such as myopia (short-sightedness) or hyperopia (long-sightedness), initially opt for glasses to correct their vision. However, over time, as the downsides of external frames become apparent, many will opt to make the switch to contact lenses. But while this may offer what seems like a new-found sense of freedom at first, it will likely only be a matter of time before the rose-tinted lenses begin to…

Cheap Reading Glasses: A Help or Hindrance?

Cheap Reading Glasses: A Help or Hindrance? We can all be forgiven for ignoring our inevitable reliance on reading glasses – particularly those lucky enough to have never needed glasses or contact lenses before. After all, your vision has been perfect your whole life – why would you worry? But then, you start to notice a difference. Perhaps you caught yourself squinting when reading a receipt or newspaper, or maybe you’ve started getting headaches when working at your computer. Whatever…

Understanding Your Vision: A Closer Look at Your Prescription

Understanding Your Vision: A Closer Look at Your Prescription If you’re new to the idea of wearing glasses, or if your prescription has changed recently, you might be left feeling a little confused about what all those measurements really mean. Even if you have been wearing glasses or contact lenses for years, you might have been satisfied with simply knowing whether you are short-sighted, long-sighted, or astigmatic. After all, all the detailed numbers and symbols aren’t really for you, right?…

Are You Feeling Conscious About Your Reading Glasses?

Are You Feeling Conscious About Your Reading Glasses? The average person has a lot to contend with as they get older; most of us will gain weight, tackle greying hair (if it doesn’t fall out), and develop wrinkles around our eyes, on our foreheads and, well, everywhere really. While some may embrace these changes with “grace”, many more of us will likely turn to the latest fads and solutions, from hair dye to skin creams, to satisfy our vanity. But…

The Cost of Contact Lenses – Are There Any Risks?

The Cost of Contact Lenses – Are There Any Risks? The mass commercial success of the humble contact lens took off in the 1960s and 70s following around a century of increasingly viable iterations. They were celebrated for their effectiveness, discretion, and ability to all but replace traditional glasses – qualities that still contribute to their popularity today. But are there any risks to wearing contact lenses? The most popular type of contact lenses today are soft lenses made from…

10 things every glasses wearer will know

10 Things that Every Glasses Wearer Will Have Experienced Glasses are cool, right? I mean, they help us to see and everything, but they certainly have their drawbacks – like the pimples around the rims, or their constant desire to go missing. Oh, and don’t even get me started on… Okay, glasses wearers definitely have A LOT to deal with that frameless folks will never understand. Do your pet hates make our list of the most annoying things about wearing…

Fireworks & bonfires: Do take care

Fireworks & bonfires: Do take care Fireworks are delightful inventions that bring fun and enjoyment to everyone (except maybe dogs and older adults). But they’re also small dangerous missiles packed with gunpowder that fire ‘payloads’ at hundreds of miles an hour into the sky to explode in a (hopefully) controlled and artistic way. Without sounding like too much of a party pooper, it’s the same story for bonfires. Although for millennia, they’ve kept us warm and provided us with a…

The everyday inconvenience of specs

The everyday inconvenience of specs Glasses are the ultimate in visual convenience. Whenever your eyes need a bit of extra support, they’re there to help you out—if you can find them. As you can see, or not see at the moment, this on/off vison has its drawbacks. One of the main ones being that they don’t correct your vision permanently, but rather tie you to a flimsy medical device that you have to wear on your face. As they are…

How Much is Laser Eye Surgery Worth to You?

How Much is Laser Eye Surgery Worth to You? No matter how many people around the world have Laser Eye Surgery, there’ll always be folks who feel overly nervous about the procedure and remain on the fence about whether or not it’s worth it for them. It’s understandable: your vision is an invaluable part of your life and you should do everything you can to take the best possible care of it and your eyes. However, when it gets in…