8 Things You Can’t Do When Wearing Contact Lenses

8 Things You Can’t Do When Wearing Contact Lenses Many people with refractive errors, such as myopia (short-sightedness) or hyperopia (long-sightedness), initially opt for glasses to correct their vision. However, over time, as the downsides of external frames become apparent, many will opt to make the switch to contact lenses. But while this may offer what seems like a new-found sense of freedom at first, it will likely only be a matter of time before the rose-tinted lenses begin to…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Macular Degeneration? [VIDEO]

Can I have Laser Eye Surgery if I have Macular Degeneration? It is estimated that macular degeneration affects around 600,000 people in the UK alone and millions worldwide. As such, it is the leading cause of sight loss globally. But does having macular degeneration mean you are unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery? What is Macular Degeneration? Also known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) due to its association with ageing, macular degeneration is, in fact, a genetic condition that can affect…

Guide to Contact Lenses, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery

Guide to Contact Lenses, Glasses, and Laser Eye Surgery Updated for 2025 Glasses, contact lenses, and Laser Eye Surgery can all be extremely effective solutions to refractive errors. But deciding which option is best can depend on a range of factors. In fact, your opinion can change depending on the articles you have read, the people you have asked, and even what stage you are in in life. But here at London Vision Clinic, we’re on a mission to set…

Glasses or Contact Lenses: What’s My Best Option?

Glasses or Contact Lenses: What’s My Best Option? We humans have been making efforts to combat refractive errors for hundreds – and perhaps thousands – of years. From ancient magnifying stones to early spectacles and later, contact lenses. And to this day, glasses and contact lenses are still used by hundreds of millions of people around the world. But which solution is the best – and is there a better option? Effective Solutions to Common Refractive Errors Both glasses and…

Makeup and Laser Eye Surgery: Everything You Need to Know

We normally ask for patients to abstain from wearing make up for a period of one week. It is the big three that are important; the eyeliner, the eye shadow and of course the mascara. Normal face make-up, for example lipstick, is fine to use a day or two after the treatment. It is only really the make that is applied in and around the eyes that needs to be avoided for the first week….

Short-sighted? What You Can Expect From Laser Eye Surgery

Short-sighted? What You Can Expect From Laser Eye Surgery If you have myopia (short-sightedness), you’re in good company. Recent estimates indicate that around a third of the global population might share this trait with you. But this is unlikely to comfort you if you’re one of the millions of people in the UK who are daily burdened by glasses and contact lenses. If this sounds like you, then you have likely wondered about Laser Eye Surgery before. Is it a…

Leave the Stress Behind – Along with Your Specs!

If you are a spectacle wearer, you will undoubtedly be aware of the stress that glasses can cause. Specs may seem like the perfect solution if you find contact lenses too pricey, uncomfortable, unsuitable, or simply too fussy and time-consuming but, for many people, they can in fact be just as irksome….

Vision Myths: Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes?

Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes? The concept of glasses has been around for hundreds of years. Having gone through many iterations in that time – such as handheld lenses and monocles – it is only in the last hundred years or so that glasses as we know them today have become the norm. Yet, the speed with which glasses have taken on endless styles, colours, and prescriptions is extremely impressive. Since new methods and materials made it possible to…

What Does Freedom From Glasses Really Mean?

What Does Freedom From Glasses Really Mean? For those who have worn glasses for most of their lives, it can be difficult to imagine just what freedom from the frames is really like. You’ve become used to scrambling around the bedside table every morning looking for your specs. Or showering in blurriness as you prepare to start your day. Maybe living a glasses-free life isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Then again, it would be nice to prepare a…