Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery

Quick guide: Laser Eye Surgery recovery Which part of the body heals the fastest? How about the skin: the largest organ in the body and our outer barrier to the world that has to endure scratching, scrapes, cuts, abrasions, burns, and a whole heap of abuse every day. Or what about something like the liver? Our largest internal organ that never stops filtering blood, supporting the digestive system, and detoxifying the barrage of chemicals and toxins we pound it with. Well,…

Can I fly after laser surgery?

Can I fly after laser surgery? As a nation, we’re utterly obsessed with jumping on planes and spending our hard earned time as far away as possible. We put ourselves through the mind-numbing process of packing, endure endless delays, and cram ourselves into seats unsuitable for anyone bigger than a five-year-old. Even if it’s just for a few nights away. But none of this matters — it’s always worth it. And we’re just as quick to do it all over again. After…

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ

Laser Eye Surgery results FAQ If you’re looking for our results, you can review the London Vision Clinic’s statistical results and patient reviews. Can I go blind after Laser Eye Surgery? To watch Mr. Glenn Carp answer this question in a video click here. Essentially, no. Technically there is an exceedingly small risk of blindness with laser eye surgery but it is lower than the risk of wearing monthly contact lenses for one year, so a risk that everyone seems to…