Your Eyes: Separating the Facts and the Fiction

The World Health Organisation states that 80% of the world’s blindness and serious visual impairment is preventable. There are certainly many myths and home-remedies about how to do just that. In fact, everybody has an idea about what is good or bad for your eyes but what is the truth behind it all? Here are some of the best-loved eye-related claims and the truth on the matter….

4 Misconceptions about your eye health

4 Misconceptions about your eye health There’s an abundance of ideas and misconceptions about vision and keeping your eyes healthy out there. At best, they’re funny and harmless, like if you cross your eyes for too long they’ll stay that way. At worst, they can be damaging to your health. The big problem is, because there are so many, it can be difficult to know which are fact and which are fiction. To know what’s fake news and what’s legitimate,…

This is why your eyes are amazing

This is why your eyes are amazing Despite being things we look at probably more times during the day than anything else, eyes get little recognition for how incredible they are. One of the reasons is simply because they work so well. It’s only when something goes wrong that we actually stop and start to appreciate how fortunate we’ve been. To shed a little love on our underappreciated peepers, let’s take a look at a few optical facts that will be sure…