Laser Eye Surgery For Very High Prescriptions

Laser Eye Surgery For Very High Prescriptions In the 21st century, despite pretty undisputable evidence to the contrary, many people still believe the world is flat and that we’ve never actually been to space. Some people still believe, particularly in India, that the ancient religious practice of drinking your own urine is a cure-all remedy that can even lead to enlightenment. And other people still believe that this whole global warming thing is a complete sham, being fabricated as simply…

Eye Health: European Coalition for Vision Request End To Neglect

Earlier this year, the European Coalition for Vision (ECV) released a press statement to call on European decision makers to include eye health and vision in their political agenda. The call follows an earlier event in which members of the ECV claimed that eye health has been neglected in the political arena for too long, and that there is far too much avoidable and preventable vision damage….

The Pros And Cons Of Glasses And Contact Lenses

It can be difficult to decide whether glasses or contact lenses are right for you. Where glasses may be better for some things, contact lenses are an improvement in other areas. Laser eye surgery is an elective procedure that can eliminate the need to use glasses or contact lenses but before you decide to opt for it, we thought we’d share some pros and cons for glasses and contact lenses….