Strabismus, more commonly referred to as a squint, is a medical condition where the eyes point in two different directions. This happens when the opposite eye is looking forward. This can result in blurred vision, a lazy eye, or double vision. Since most squints occur or develop during childhood, it is ideal to treat them before they fully develop. This is typically through the use of glasses at a younger age since many squints are caused by the eyes compensating for some other visual impairment….
Tag: Eye Treatment
A New Reality with Man in the High Castle Writer Rob Williams
A New Reality with Man in the High Castle Writer Rob Williams Rob Williams is somewhat of an expert in alternate realities. The acclaimed screenwriter is one of the bright minds behind the first season of ‘Man in the High Castle’ — the hit Amazon drama loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s novel of the same name. In writing for the show, Rob helped piece together a reality in which Nazi Germany and Japan won WWII and took over the USA,…
8 Things you should definitely not do whilst wearing specs
8 Things you should definitely not do whilst wearing specs When you first become a glasses wearer, you’re blissfully unaware that as well as signing up to rent your vision, you’re also signing away the right to do many things that were once simple and pleasurable. Your optometrist doesn’t tell you this, and it’s not like it’s all laid out somewhere in the small print. They’re simply something you have to discover and suffer through yourself. Commiserations if you recognise…
If he was alive today, would John Lennon have had Laser Eye Surgery?
If he was alive today, would John Lennon have had Laser Eye Surgery? What do Mahatma Gandhi, Buddy Holley, Sarah Palin, and John Lennon all have in common? They didn’t all lead India to freedom in their underwear. But they did have a significant impact on fashion, whether intentionally or unintentionally, thanks to their distinctive eyewear. Gandhi and his round metal-rimmed spectacles (and robes) caused him to have nearly as many style copycats as he had religious followers. Holly and his…
Should You Really Wear Contact Lenses For A Full Day?
Should You Really Wear Contact Lenses For A Full Day? What’s Really Going on with Contact Lenses? Contact lenses are worn by millions of people around the world to help improve their eyesight and decrease the need for glasses. However, contact lenses and contact lens “abuse” can lead to serious eye problems. “Abuse” is the term used to describe contact lens habits that could be harmful and go against instructions by the manufacturer and your eye care provider. Some of…
Flying Long-distance With Contact Lenses
Flying Long-Distance With Contact Lenses On top of the jet lag, swollen feet, and missing bags, after a long flight, the last thing you want is dry, irritated eyes. But so is the life of a contact lens wearer. We’re so used to it, in fact, that it often takes our partners or friends to alert us to our red, puffy, bloodshot eyes before we realise, damn — we’ve still got our lenses in. Normally you just take them out for…
Fed up of the constant on/off of reading glasses?
Fed up of the constant on/off of reading glasses? Only needing visual aid for some distances and not others presents a unique problem for wearers of reading glasses: where to put the damn things when you’re not wearing them. You don’t want to always wear a shirt with a breast pocket and you’d rather not hang them from a chain around your neck like an old fashioned librarian; the only solution you’ve found is to have hundreds of pairs strewn all over the…
Laser Eye Surgery vs contact lenses: Read the facts
Laser Eye Surgery vs contact lenses: Read the facts Trying to figure out if you should have Laser Eye Surgery or not is generally not a barrel of laughs. Granted, you don’t go into it expecting to enjoy yourself. But let’s face it, it could be a whole lot easier and less stressful than it’s made to be. Heck, it could even be fun! Okay, maybe that’s pushing it a bit too far… But the point is, if it wasn’t for…
Laser eye treatments
Laser eye treatments Have you ever read a description of a new product, treatment, or therapy, and immediately switched off due to an excess of overcomplicated jargon? I mean, what’s the point in using complex and technical language if they know it will fly straight over the heads of the vast majority of people? It’s a good question — and one that reveals a lot about the company or person behind the particular product or service they are selling. You’ll find…
Laser Eye Surgery For Very High Prescriptions
Laser Eye Surgery For Very High Prescriptions In the 21st century, despite pretty undisputable evidence to the contrary, many people still believe the world is flat and that we’ve never actually been to space. Some people still believe, particularly in India, that the ancient religious practice of drinking your own urine is a cure-all remedy that can even lead to enlightenment. And other people still believe that this whole global warming thing is a complete sham, being fabricated as simply…