These are the Colours Your Eyes Can’t See

These are the Colours Your Eyes Can’t See It is easy to assume the spectrum of colours we see contains all the colours that exist in the world. In one way, this is true – that is, it contains all the colours that exist in the human world. But in reality, there are a huge number of other colours that are simply not perceptible to the human eye-the colours our eyes can’t see. The colours we perceive are the result of…

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes A person’s eyes can stay with you for a long time after meeting them. As humans, we are naturally drawn to the eyes of the person we are interacting with. Whether that person is tall or short, bald or thick-haired, young or old – it is usually their eyes that hold our attention. And there is something about clear and shining eyes that leave a particularly lasting impression. However, the sad truth…

Everything You Need to Know About Eye Makeup and Eye Care

Everything You Need to Know About Eye Makeup and Eye Care Makeup and cosmetics have been a major part of civilisations around the world throughout history. They have been a sign of wealth and status, distinguished between social orders, and even played an important role in religious and spiritual practices. In more recent times, however, makeup is more prevalent than ever. Many of us refuse to leave the house without applying a little concealer or mascara. But few of us…

How We are Biologically Engineered to Protect Our Eyes

How We are Biologically Engineered to Protect Our Eyes We humans have evolved over millions of years with the adoption of certain behaviours and qualities that are vital for our very survival. From our hardwired tendency to form close relationships with others to our instinct to hunt and gather, the human mind and body have developed a natural knack for self-preservation. This includes various biological mechanisms designed to stop any harm coming to our eyes. Like our brains, the human…

Eye Health: Common Causes of Damage to Your Eyes

Every day, we hear about things that are bad for our health but when it comes to our eyes, it is particularly serious. The lens of the eye cannot repair itself and any lost and damaged cells are never replaced; thus, we really do need to take care of them. But what is particularly damaging? …

Vision Myths: Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes?

Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes? The concept of glasses has been around for hundreds of years. Having gone through many iterations in that time – such as handheld lenses and monocles – it is only in the last hundred years or so that glasses as we know them today have become the norm. Yet, the speed with which glasses have taken on endless styles, colours, and prescriptions is extremely impressive. Since new methods and materials made it possible to…

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health

Understanding Your Eyes: What they say about your health As the windows through which we see the world – whether it be to admire beautiful landscapes, binge-watch the latest must-see TV show, or read articles like this one – our eyes are incredibly powerful and sophisticated. With more than 2 million working parts, our eyes are among the most complex structures on the planet. They allow us to convert light into a clear view of the world around us. But…

Protect Your Eyes During Camping and Festival Season

Protect Your Eyes During Camping and Festival Season Every year when spring rolls around, we are blinded by the promise of warmer (and longer) days and all the fun that goes with them. You may be an avid camper who’s hoping the rain will hold off so you can get back to nature; or perhaps you’re eagerly awaiting leaving your regular life behind for a long weekend of music and chill vibes at one of the country’s many music festivals….

Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health

Why Staying Hydrated is Important for Eye Health In the UK, we are lucky enough to have access to water almost everywhere we go – it is, quite literally, on tap. Moreover, water takes up nearly three-quarters of the earth’s surface, floats around in the air in the form of vapour, and is even stored beneath the land under our feet. Yet, many of us are still not putting enough of it in our bodies. This can have a significant…