Vision Myths: Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes?

Are Glasses Bad for Your Eyes? The concept of glasses has been around for hundreds of years. Having gone through many iterations in that time – such as handheld lenses and monocles – it is only in the last hundred years or so that glasses as we know them today have become the norm. Yet, the speed with which glasses have taken on endless styles, colours, and prescriptions is extremely impressive. Since new methods and materials made it possible to…

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration? The eye is an incredibly complex organ with over 2 million components, all of which are essential to one of our most valuable functions – our vision. But with so many moving parts, our eyes are susceptible to a wide range of problems, from common refractive errors to serious diseases. One condition that can cause significant impairment to our vision is age-related macular degeneration. A Common Cause of Vision Loss Macular degeneration affects the central…

When might an enhancement be needed after Laser Eye Surgery? [VIDEO]

There is a higher chance of enhancements for higher prescriptions, because accuracy decreases as prescriptions increase, we typically find that enhancements are more typical amongst patients who had higher pre-operative prescriptions, and among long-sighted patients. In spite of this effect, we still manage to keep our enhancement rates relatively low (between 5 and 8%). In this video, Mr Carp explains why……

Top Tips to Prevent Damage to Your Eyes in the Summer

Top Tips to Prevent Damage to Your Eyes in the Summer Who doesn’t love Summertime? Whether you’re lounging on a beach somewhere, hanging out with friends in the local beer garden, or sunbathing in the back garden, the sun has an incredible ability to lift our mood. But it can also be a danger – to our skin, our hydration levels, and our eyes. Many of us put a lot of thought into looking good for the Summer. People start…

How the Eye Works: Nature’s Own Camera

How the Eye Works: Nature’s Own Camera There are few things in the natural universe more complex than the eye. This vital organ may be small but it works using an abundance of processes and components – all of which must be running smoothly – to give us a clear image of the world around us. In this role, our eyes have become one of the greatest assets we have – an invaluable part of our bodies and lives. So,…

Laser Eye Surgery: How to test your vision at home

How to test your vision at home Over the last three years, when services have been limited and our time at home has sky-rocketed, many of us have turned to DIY approaches to everyday tasks. From haircuts to home gyms, our capacity for self-dependence has definitely been put to the test. But being stuck indoors can have other implications – particularly when it comes to our health. For example, spending extended amounts of time in dry environments can cause strain…

Fireworks & bonfires: Do take care

Fireworks & bonfires: Do take care Fireworks are delightful inventions that bring fun and enjoyment to everyone (except maybe dogs and older adults). But they’re also small dangerous missiles packed with gunpowder that fire ‘payloads’ at hundreds of miles an hour into the sky to explode in a (hopefully) controlled and artistic way. Without sounding like too much of a party pooper, it’s the same story for bonfires. Although for millennia, they’ve kept us warm and provided us with a…

How to avoid suffering from an eye injury

How to avoid suffering from an eye injury Whether your work involves filling out spreadsheets on a computer or handling heavy machinery, clear vision is essential to getting the job done as efficiently and effectively as possible. Let’s take a look at five of the main factors that are most important in keeping your eyes safe from harm: Proper eye protection The vast majority of eye injuries can be avoided. And the best way to ensure you avoid them or…

4 Misconceptions about your eye health

4 Misconceptions about your eye health There’s an abundance of ideas and misconceptions about vision and keeping your eyes healthy out there. At best, they’re funny and harmless, like if you cross your eyes for too long they’ll stay that way. At worst, they can be damaging to your health. The big problem is, because there are so many, it can be difficult to know which are fact and which are fiction. To know what’s fake news and what’s legitimate,…

Do eye health supplements really work?

Do eye health supplements really work? Health supplements are a modern invention. Yet, after a few minutes of browsing the shelves of Holland and Barratt or just your local supermarket, you could be fooled into thinking they’re essential for everyone to maintain a basic standard of health. Together, all products or supplements that aim to improve your health—multivitamins, protein powders, detox tonics, etc.—make up a multi-million-pound global industry. The fact is, they’re convenient, incredibly-well branded, and often promise for results…