Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have A Squint?

Strabismus, more commonly referred to as a squint, is a medical condition where the eyes point in two different directions. This happens when the opposite eye is looking forward. This can result in blurred vision, a lazy eye, or double vision. Since most squints occur or develop during childhood, it is ideal to treat them before they fully develop. This is typically through the use of glasses at a younger age since many squints are caused by the eyes compensating for some other visual impairment….

What happens if you blink during Laser Eye Surgery?

What happens if you blink during Laser Eye Surgery? You do it anything from 5 to 15 times a minute, every minute, every waking hour of the day. That’s 30,000 times, 99.9 percent of which happen without you being aware of it. It’s amazing really: we get on with our day while our bodies do all the blinking for us. Sliding those wafer thin folds of skin up and down whenever we need a little moisture or antibacterial protection from…

Would you consider cut-price Laser Eye Surgery?

Would you consider cut-price Laser Eye Surgery? Why would you pay more when you could get the same treatment and achieve the same outcome for less? I mean, Laser Eye Surgery is Laser Eye Surgery wherever you go, right? It always rids people of the need to wear glasses or contacts and permanently improves their vision, so why shouldn’t you snap up that spring offer or wander down to the cheap clinic on the high street? Well, as the industry is unregulated and the cost…