Does Cataract Surgery Reduce Eye Pressure?

Does Cataract Surgery Reduce Eye Pressure (Intraocular Pressure)? Cataract Surgery is a procedure that was developed with the primary goal of removing cataracts from the eye. This prevents the loss of vision associated with the development of cataracts; however, you may have heard that Cataract Surgery can also be useful for reducing eye pressure (intraocular pressure). Increases in eye pressure – also known as Ocular Hypertension – are caused by a dysfunction in the eye’s drainage system. In normal circumstances, fluids…

Does Cataract Surgery Help Glaucoma?

Does Cataract Surgery Help Glaucoma? Our eyes have a lot to contend with throughout our lives. Being complex and vital organs that are more exposed than their counterparts in the rest of the body, the eyes often do a surprisingly good job at remaining healthy and in good working order. But as we get older, it is increasingly likely that they will become affected by various problems, including presbyopia, cataracts, and glaucoma. Both cataracts and glaucoma are more likely to…

Does Cataract Surgery Get Rid of Floaters?

Does Cataract Surgery Get Rid of Floaters? If you have been told you require Cataract Surgery, it is likely you will have a number of questions relating to the procedure. These questions may concern the procedure itself, the recovery process – or the various other problems that could be fixed during Cataract Surgery. You may have heard that your long-sightedness, short-sightedness, and even astigmatism and presbyopia can be addressed at the same time as your cataracts. But what about floaters?…

Is Cataract Surgery Done Under General or Local Anaesthesia?

Is Cataract Surgery Done Under General or Local Anaesthesic? As with any kind of invasive surgery, the use of anaesthetics is an important factor to consider in Cataract Surgery. However, it can often be overlooked or lost in more immediate concerns that are understandably held by patients anticipating the treatment. That’s why, in this article, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about anaesthesia for Cataract Surgery – including whether you will be under general or local anaesthesia…

Does Cataract Surgery Correct Astigmatism?

Does Cataract Surgery Correct Astigmatism? If you have cataracts and are interested in Cataract Surgery to get rid of them, you may be wondering what other implications the procedure could have on your vision. For example, you may have heard of “premium” intraocular lenses and that they can improve existing refractive errors. This, in turn, may lead you to ask: Does Cataract Surgery correct astigmatism? What is Cataract Surgery? As we age, we all begin to notice changes in our…

Is Cataract Surgery Covered by the NHS?

Is Cataract Surgery Covered by the NHS? As we get older, there seems to be an ever-growing list of things to worry about. When already having to think about finances, relationships, and our health, the thought of losing our vision due to cataracts is almost too much. And yet, cataracts are simply a natural part of ageing, with most people over the age of 80 affected. So, what can you do if you begin to notice cataracts forming in your…

Common Questions: Is Cataract Surgery Always Successful?

Is Cataract Surgery Always Successful? If you have been told you need Cataract Surgery, you probably have a lot of questions about the procedure. For many people, the first questions that come to mind understandably relate to safety. For example: “Is Cataract Surgery always successful?” When undergoing any kind of surgical procedure, we all want to know what the chances are of success. In some cases, this information can help us to make the right decision regarding the procedure; however,…

Is Cataract Surgery a Minor Procedure?

Is Cataract Surgery a Minor Procedure? Cataract Surgery has become one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide, thanks to its high success rate and safety. Furthermore, as the only solution to the development of cataracts, it is essential to millions of people every year. But despite its now routine nature, is Cataract Surgery considered a minor procedure? First and foremost, it’s important to state that no minor or major surgery should be taken lightly. There are always risks associated…

Is Cataract Surgery the Same as Lens Replacement?

Is Cataract Surgery the Same as Lens Replacement? As we get older, it is more than just our skin and hair that begin to show the signs of ageing. Many things seem to get more difficult than they used to be – including being able to clearly distinguish the world around us. The fact is, our eyes age just like the rest of our bodies, much to the detriment of our vision. Whether we find ourselves with presbyopia or cataracts…

What is the Average Age for Cataract Surgery?

What is the Average Age for Cataract Surgery? Cataracts are largely considered an ‘old age’ condition, but the truth is, they can affect people of all ages. For example, while the most common form of cataracts is associated with ageing, they can develop for other reasons. In this article, we’re taking a look at the different types of cataracts and answering the question: What is the average age for cataract surgery? Cataracts are the formation of cloudy tissue in the lens…