Contact lenses vs glasses: Which provides better vision?

Contact lenses vs glasses: Which provides better vision? If you’ve ever worn contacts and glasses, you’ve probably noticed your quality of vision differs between the two — particularly when transitioning from one after a long period of time wearing the other. The weird thing about this is that it can happen even if both are of the same prescription. Surely if they’re the same prescription and therefore the same strength lens and the same focusing power, then they should provide the same…

See more. Clearly.

See more. Clearly. Sure, you’ve visited the Grand Canyon, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, or the Pyramids of Egypt, but did you really see them? I mean, you have the photos and everything to prove it, right? But when you were actually there, beyond your phone and camera lens, your partner complaining about their feet, and the thoughts about what you were going to do for dinner, did you truly see them in all their magnificent glory? We know the trivialities above can…

What is “dry eye” and how to treat it

What is “dry eye” and how to treat it Dry eye can be anything from a mild annoyance that affects you from time to time to an unrelenting condition that makes it hard to use your eyes for any extended period. Not least due to our unhealthy media habits and tendency to spend most of our lives indoors, more and more of us are joining this first group and experiencing occasional symptoms of dry eye. Our eyes simply weren’t designed to…

Wake Up Sharp — Not Blurry with Laser Eye Surgery

Wake Up Sharp – Not Blurry – with Laser Eye Surgery All of us, at one time or another, have woken up with a foggy head and hazy vision – sometimes accompanied by a whisper of a headache. Having fumbled around on the bedside table for your glass of water or stumbled, arms stretched out in front of you, to the bathroom, you might not even be able to see yourself properly in the mirror. But while for some, this…

Eye Health: European Coalition for Vision Request End To Neglect

Earlier this year, the European Coalition for Vision (ECV) released a press statement to call on European decision makers to include eye health and vision in their political agenda. The call follows an earlier event in which members of the ECV claimed that eye health has been neglected in the political arena for too long, and that there is far too much avoidable and preventable vision damage….

Keeping An Eye On Health – The London Vision Clinic Team Are Working Out

Physical fitness is good for our eyes as well as our bodies and minds – and with regular sessions of Zumba and yoga planned for 2014, members of the London Vision Clinic team are hoping to prove the point by working out. It has long been established that a sedentary lifestyle spent staring at a computer screen can have a negative effect on your general health, well-being and comfort, including that of your eyes. However, you may be relieved to know that reversing these bad habits can spell good news for your body, your stress levels, and your vision….

What A Drag It Is Choosing New Glasses…

As a delighted London Vision Clinic patient who – in a weak, sibling-bonding moment – offered to help her sister choose new frames, I was recently struck by what a drag it is selecting new glasses. The selection process can be akin to negotiating a very expensive minefield littered with costly mistakes and fashion blunders at every turn. …