Debunking the most common eye myths Ideas about how our eyes work have undergone many changes throughout history. In ancient Greece, for example, Plato’s “emission theory” suggested that we emit beams of light from our eyes in order to illuminate and see objects. Another Greek, Empedocles, believed that Aphrodite made the human eye out of the four elements — fire, air, earth, and water. She then made sight possible by lighting the fire in the eye and allowing it to shine…
Tag: Better Vision
How Much is Laser Eye Surgery Worth to You?
How Much is Laser Eye Surgery Worth to You? No matter how many people around the world have Laser Eye Surgery, there’ll always be folks who feel overly nervous about the procedure and remain on the fence about whether or not it’s worth it for them. It’s understandable: your vision is an invaluable part of your life and you should do everything you can to take the best possible care of it and your eyes. However, when it gets in…
Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery With Eyelash Extensions? [video]
Yes, if you have eye lash extensions, you are able to have laser eye surgery at the London Vision Clinic….
Why Summer After Laser Eye Surgery is So Much Better
Why Summer After Laser Eye Surgery is So Much Better What comes to mind when you think of summer? The smell of freshly cut grass, the sound of waves crashing, afternoons spent barbecuing with the family or whole evenings outside drinking wine and chatting with friends? When you’re a glasses or contacts wearer, these images of summer are nothing more than idealistic fantasies. The reality is, your best time of the year is more likely consumed by fighting off allergies…
Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision?
Can LASIK Or Laser Eye Surgery Correct Double Vision? Like one of those dull headaches that appears when you wake up in the morning, double vision can come about for a heck of a lot of reasons. In fact, if I were to try and list them all here, I might start to get double vision myself. Despite it being such a hard symptom to pin to an exact cause, there are a number of conditions with which double vision…
Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have A Squint?
Strabismus, more commonly referred to as a squint, is a medical condition where the eyes point in two different directions. This happens when the opposite eye is looking forward. This can result in blurred vision, a lazy eye, or double vision. Since most squints occur or develop during childhood, it is ideal to treat them before they fully develop. This is typically through the use of glasses at a younger age since many squints are caused by the eyes compensating for some other visual impairment….
Normal Symptoms You May Experience After LASIK Laser Eye Surgery
Normal Symptoms You May Experience After LASIK Laser Eye Surgery Going in for any type of procedure can be daunting. Especially one that involves your eyes. Because our eyes are so precious, it’s even common to feel a little anxious after the surgery as well, even if it went great and the outcome is beyond belief (as is the case for the vast majority of people). The fact is worry isn’t something that is easily quelled or prevented due to…
Laser Eye Surgery really is transformational
Laser eye surgery really is transformational When you hear that Laser Eye Surgery is performed over fifteen thousands times every year in just the UK, it’s difficult to really get a sense of what that means. That’s thousands of people’s who’ve had their lives transformed in pretty much an instant. Young and old people, mothers and daughters, charity workers and CEOs; they all suffered in one form or another from poor vision, and Laser Eye Surgery was able to help them…
What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes
What Can You Do To Reduce Dry Eyes Irritated, itchy, and dry. That’s how millions of people around the world would describe the condition of their eyes on a daily basis. If this sounds familiar, then you may not only have an inconvenient and uncomfortable situation on your hands but something more serious to your vision and long-term eye health. This is dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). And although it’s affecting an increasing number of people, it’s still often brushed off…
Staring at Facebook for 4 hours a day might be bad for you
Staring at Facebook for 4 hours a day might be bad for you Facebook has taken a bit of a bashing recently. Several studies have come out showing the damaging effects it can have on everything from relationships and love life to stress and self-esteem. Even the people who helped build the thing are coming out and declaring it’s “ripping society apart” thanks to its purposely designed “feedback loops”. For a site that calls itself a ‘social network’ and that brought…