Autumn is the season of colours

Autumn is the season of colours Colours are all around us. And should we stop for long enough to notice them, we realise they make our world not just look incredible, but our experiences a whole lot richer. They are, after all, what enables us to become awestruck at such scenes as a sunset, a rainbow lorikeet, a Henry Matisse or Van Gogh painting, and the bloom of the cherry blossoms in spring. But beyond mere pleasure for the senses, in…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Dry Eyes? [video]

Dry eye is a relative contra indication to laser eye surgery. All patients at the London Vision Clinic who are found to have preoperative dry eye undergo an extensive review system whereby we try to evaluate the underlying cause of the patient’s dry eye. If this can subsequently be optimised through treatment regimes, we can boost the underlying tear film, resolve the dry eye and are able to offer these patients treatment….

The everyday inconvenience of specs

The everyday inconvenience of specs Glasses are the ultimate in visual convenience. Whenever your eyes need a bit of extra support, they’re there to help you out—if you can find them. As you can see, or not see at the moment, this on/off vison has its drawbacks. One of the main ones being that they don’t correct your vision permanently, but rather tie you to a flimsy medical device that you have to wear on your face. As they are…

The incredible vision of a south-east African tribe

The incredible vision of a south-east African tribe Our vision adapts to the world we live in. But natural evolution can only move so fast, and there’s no limit to the speed at which the world can change. So, when in just a few generations the average person’s day shifts from spending hours out in wide-open spaces, full of natural light, different colours and contrasts, and moving objects at varying distances, to sitting in an office in a city and…

Dolphins, eagles and other animals with better vision than you

Dolphins, eagles, and other animals with better vision than you When it comes to a lot of natural abilities, humans are by far top of the pile. We can use tools like cutlery and computers and surgical equipment to improve our lives and society as a whole. We can conceive complex, multidimensional ideas, and project into the future and think back long into the past. And when it comes to vision, well, we can see pretty well. We can perceive…

4 Misconceptions about your eye health

4 Misconceptions about your eye health There’s an abundance of ideas and misconceptions about vision and keeping your eyes healthy out there. At best, they’re funny and harmless, like if you cross your eyes for too long they’ll stay that way. At worst, they can be damaging to your health. The big problem is, because there are so many, it can be difficult to know which are fact and which are fiction. To know what’s fake news and what’s legitimate,…

Do eye health supplements really work?

Do eye health supplements really work? Health supplements are a modern invention. Yet, after a few minutes of browsing the shelves of Holland and Barratt or just your local supermarket, you could be fooled into thinking they’re essential for everyone to maintain a basic standard of health. Together, all products or supplements that aim to improve your health—multivitamins, protein powders, detox tonics, etc.—make up a multi-million-pound global industry. The fact is, they’re convenient, incredibly-well branded, and often promise for results…

Children and eye health care

Children and eye health care Every single eye is different. It’s why retinal scanners are so good at identifying you from the crowd. But your eyes are so unique they’re also different from each other. Just take a moment to look in the mirror at each iris, the coloured part of your eye that controls the amount of light that hits your retina. No doubt you’ll see small, random patterns in one iris that appear completely different from the other….

What to ask at your Laser Eye Surgery consultation

What to ask at your Laser Eye Surgery consultation Traditionally, Laser Eye Surgery has only been a good option for certain patients. Today, the treatment is much more accessible. As much as 96 percent of people who contact us are suitable candidates for treatment. With such promising figures, it would be easy to think Laser Eye Surgery is the solution for everyone – No matter if you’re a 20-year-old swimming athlete or a 70-year-old who reads insatiably. This is the way…

Debunking the most common eye myths

Debunking the most common eye myths Ideas about how our eyes work have undergone many changes throughout history. In ancient Greece, for example, Plato’s “emission theory” suggested that we emit beams of light from our eyes in order to illuminate and see objects. Another Greek, Empedocles, believed that Aphrodite made the human eye out of the four elements — fire, air, earth, and water.  She then made sight possible by lighting the fire in the eye and allowing it to shine…