How the Eye Works: Nature’s Own Camera

How the Eye Works: Nature’s Own Camera There are few things in the natural universe more complex than the eye. This vital organ may be small but it works using an abundance of processes and components – all of which must be running smoothly – to give us a clear image of the world around us. In this role, our eyes have become one of the greatest assets we have – an invaluable part of our bodies and lives. So,…

Can any laser eye surgeon guarantee 20/20 vision? [VIDEO]

Can Any Laser Eye Surgeon Guarantee 20/20 Vision? When you think of good vision, the chances are a couple of numbers will pop into your head. Have you guessed which numbers we’re talking about? You have no doubt heard a friend, family member, or simply someone off the telly brag about their 20/20 vision, right? But, while many of us have heard of these numbers, we may not all know what ’20/20′ actually means? 20/20 vision has become the renowned…

10 Things To Do That Are Miles Better Without Wearing Glasses

10 Things that are Miles Better without Wearing Glasses There are some things in life that we can’t accurately imagine until we take the plunge and just go for it. Things like having a baby, or starting a new career. Oh, or getting rid of your glasses – once and for all. From admiring the latest drawing from your little one to appreciating the beauty of a sunrise – or even reading this article – sufficient vision is a prerequisite…

Laser Eye Surgery: How to test your vision at home

How to test your vision at home Over the last three years, when services have been limited and our time at home has sky-rocketed, many of us have turned to DIY approaches to everyday tasks. From haircuts to home gyms, our capacity for self-dependence has definitely been put to the test. But being stuck indoors can have other implications – particularly when it comes to our health. For example, spending extended amounts of time in dry environments can cause strain…

What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery?

What are the long-term effects of Laser Eye Surgery? Not many medical treatments in this world are permanent fixes. Despite the impressive rate of medical innovation in recent years, the vast majority of treatment options still focus on symptom management. For example, medical equipment like glasses and crutches offer us temporary relief. Similarly, drugs may rid us of illness for a short while, yet they only get a hold on serious or chronic conditions with continual use. Not even invasive…

ReLEx SMILE: The latest Innovation in Laser Eye Surgery

ReLEx SMILE: The latest innovation in Laser Eye Surgery The last few decades have brought a whole host of technological innovations that have improved almost every aspect of our lives. Almost everything is easier today than it was 40 years ago, from watching TV to planning a holiday. But many of the most important innovations of our time have improved healthcare and surgical techniques. Patients are now experiencing fewer complications, faster recovery times, and shorter hospital stays – and patients…

Why Laser Eye Surgery is a Better Option for Astigmatism

Why Laser Eye Surgery is a Better Option for Astigmatism Just as it is widely believed that perfect circles do not exist in nature, it is also true that no eye is completely spherical. In optometry terms, this means that most people, to some extent, have astigmatism. In most cases, this has no significant impact on our vision; however, in more extreme cases, treatment may be required to provide high-quality vision. Astigmatism is defined as an abnormal curvature of the…

Laser Eye Surgery for Long-Sightedness

Laser Eye Surgery for Long Sightedness For those of us that are short-sighted, it can often be tempting to wish for the other side of the coin. Surely, long-sightedness must be preferable? I wouldn’t have to worry about looking in the mirror and becoming concerned with wrinkles, spots, or the bags under my eyes – I wouldn’t be able to see them! In my naïveté, I may also assume that long-sightedness would make it easier to block out distractions or…

Autumn is the season of colours

Autumn is the season of colours Colours are all around us. And should we stop for long enough to notice them, we realise they make our world not just look incredible, but our experiences a whole lot richer. They are, after all, what enables us to become awestruck at such scenes as a sunset, a rainbow lorikeet, a Henry Matisse or Van Gogh painting, and the bloom of the cherry blossoms in spring. But beyond mere pleasure for the senses, in…

Can I Have Laser Eye Surgery If I Have Dry Eyes? [video]

Dry eye is a relative contra indication to laser eye surgery. All patients at the London Vision Clinic who are found to have preoperative dry eye undergo an extensive review system whereby we try to evaluate the underlying cause of the patient’s dry eye. If this can subsequently be optimised through treatment regimes, we can boost the underlying tear film, resolve the dry eye and are able to offer these patients treatment….