Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes

Practical Tips For Naturally Brighter & Whiter Eyes A person’s eyes can stay with you for a long time after meeting them. As humans, we are naturally drawn to the eyes of the person we are interacting with. Whether that person is tall or short, bald or thick-haired, young or old – it is usually their eyes that hold our attention. And there is something about clear and shining eyes that leave a particularly lasting impression. However, the sad truth…

Everything You Need to Know About Eye Makeup and Eye Care

Everything You Need to Know About Eye Makeup and Eye Care Makeup and cosmetics have been a major part of civilisations around the world throughout history. They have been a sign of wealth and status, distinguished between social orders, and even played an important role in religious and spiritual practices. In more recent times, however, makeup is more prevalent than ever. Many of us refuse to leave the house without applying a little concealer or mascara. But few of us…