Should I Make Any Lifestyle Changes For Laser Eye Surgery?

Should I Make Any Lifestyle Changes For Laser Eye Surgery?

When first considering your options for Laser Eye Surgery, your initial questions probably relate to your suitability and the treatment itself. But soon enough you will likely begin to think about the broader implications of surgery. For example, will you have to make any lifestyle changes?

In the case of other kinds of surgery, you can expect to make significant changes to your lifestyle both before and after the procedure. But, as we often say here at London Vision Clinic: Laser Eye Surgery is far from your typical surgery.

So, does that mean you won’t have to make any changes? Don’t worry, in this article, we’ll talk you through all the potential lifestyle changes you may expect to make both before and after Laser Eye Surgery.

Before Laser Eye Surgery

Before you can be approved for Laser Eye Surgery, your suitability will be carefully assessed based on a number of factors. This includes the severity of your prescription and the health of your eyes but also wider contributors such as your overall health and the stability of your prescription.

This may make you wonder whether certain lifestyle changes could improve your suitability for treatment.

This is a complicated question but generally, the answer is no. Existing conditions such as glaucoma, keratoconus, diabetes, and arthritis can make patients unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery (though not in all cases). Suitability is assessed on a patient-by-patient basis and, if you are not suitable, alternative options may be available.

Temporary changes that can affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery include pregnancy and breastfeeding. That’s because, in these periods, hormone levels can affect the stability of your prescription – this is also the case when your body is still developing.

That’s why we recommend that individuals who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and those aged under 18, wait for Laser Eye Surgery.

Although unlikely to overtly affect your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery, a number of lifestyle changes can help you maintain healthy eyes. For example, staying hydrated can help to prevent your eyes from drying out. Eating healthily and protecting your eyes from the sun and wind can also help to keep your eyes in top shape.

For those who are found to be suitable for Laser Eye Surgery (around 99% of people we see at London Vision Clinic are), most lifestyle changes come after the procedure.

How will my lifestyle change after Laser Eye Surgery?

Of course, the major lifestyle change you can expect after Laser Eye Surgery is that you will no longer have to depend on glasses or contact lenses! But that’s not the only thing that will change – at least not in the short term.

Get into a routine with your eye drops

One of the most common side effects of Laser Eye Surgery is dry eyes. While this symptom usually resolves itself in a matter of weeks, it’s important to follow the eye drops routine set out for you by your surgeon.

This might be hard to get used to at first, but your eyes will thank you for it!

Attending aftercare appointments

Another thing that many people don’t take into consideration when planning for Laser Eye Surgery is the need to attend aftercare appointments. These are meetings with your surgeon and/or optometrist to ensure your recovery is going as smoothly as possible.

At London Vision Clinic, your aftercare appointment at 1 day, 3-4 weeks, 3 months, and 12 months are all included in the cost of your treatment.

Switch to baths instead of showers

In the days following your Laser Eye Surgery procedure, it is important to avoid any irritation to your eyes. For this reason, it is recommended that you switch from showers to baths. This will help to ensure that water doesn’t spray into your eyes and cause any discomfort.

If you don’t have a bath, then careful showering will likely be sufficient. This can be a bit of a pain but don’t worry – it’s only for a day or two!

Avoid high-impact sports

While most people are able to get back to light exercise within just a few days of your procedure, it is recommended to wait a little longer before you get back into any high-impact sports.

By day three, most people are able to return to activities such as jogging, stationary cycling and lifting small weights. However, you should probably avoid sports such as tennis, swimming, skiing, and contact sports for at least a few weeks.

Limit your screen time

Finally, there comes the change that many of us dread: the no-screen period. Screens have become incredibly important in our daily lives. If we’re not on our computers, we’re on our phones, and if we’re not on our phones, we’re probably watching TV. So, learning that you’ll have to avoid screens after Laser Eye Surgery can be a bit of a bummer.

Don’t worry, though – like the other changes on this list, this adjustment is short-lived. In fact, many patients are back to binging their favourite TV show after just 24 hours.

These temporary lifestyle changes can cause some inconvenience in the days and weeks following your treatment; but remember, they are temporary. Before you know it, you’ll be back to your normal life and routine – just with the added benefit of glasses-free clear vision.

For more information about what to expect after Laser Eye Surgery, get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators. Alternatively, Book a Consultation today to take the next step.