Professor Reinstein has been named the world’s number one in his field
Professor Reinstein has been named the world’s number one in his field, as the Top LASIK expert.
Expertscape is the world’s leading index of academic achievement and expertise in healthcare. Based on a global analysis of more than 27,000 biomedical topics, Expertscape evaluates all scientific publications for scientific impact and footprint.
Professor Reinstein has been rated as the top-rated expert in both categories relating to laser eye surgery, namely: LASIK (Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ) and Laser Corneal Surgery in the world.

Professor Reinstein together with the London Vision Clinic research team led by Dr Tim Archer, PhD and Dr Ryan Vida, OD have reached the number one position in the field of laser eye surgery thanks to focusing their efforts on research in the area of extending the range of treatment, therapeutic refractive surgery and increasing the safety of pre-operative screening using the Artemis Insight 100 VHF digital ultrasound scanner. The London Vision Clinic has also been categorised as the leading UK clinic in this area. Professor Reinstein is both the inventor of the technique, PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision, and the author alongside his team, of the most authoritative textbook on SMILE laser eye surgery: The Surgeon’s Guide to SMILE: Small Incision Lenticule Extraction.

According to Expertscape, they have designed their website to help patients find experts at the top of their field, whether they are seeking a second opinion, or perhaps have a rare or unusual condition.
Professor Reinstein, who established the London Vision Clinic on Harley Street in 2002, said he felt humbled by the title of “world’s best”.
Professor Reinstein said:
“Our work here has always been guided by what can be done to improve patient safety and make the impossible, possible. This has led to a large body of published work now that we enjoy teaching and disseminating for the benefit of all surgeons and patients. It was humbling to have received the news that I and my research team at the London Vision Clinic have been rated as number one. We are working hard every day to stay at the top.”
This information was correct at time of writing: October 2019