Seven Common Misconceptions about Laser Eye Surgery
Laser Eye Surgery has become the most common elective procedure in the world. Yet, myths and misconceptions persist…
Laser Eye Surgery has been available as an elective procedure for almost four decades. In this time, tens of millions of patients around the world have had their myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), astigmatism, and even presbyopia successfully corrected.
In addition to being the most commonly performed elective procedure, Laser Eye Surgery is also considered one of the safest. Modern procedures even offer surprisingly speedy recovery times, with many patients able to return to work in as little as 24 hours!
Despite these impressive statistics, misinformation continues to fuel misconceptions about Laser Eye Surgery. But we want to set the record straight. Below, we address seven of the most common Laser Eye Surgery misconceptions. So, read on to learn the truth about this simple and life-changing treatment.
Misconception 1: “Complications are common and serious”
As we touched on above, Laser Eye Surgery is generally considered an extremely safe treatment. Of course, no surgical procedure is completely without its risks. Therefore, it is important to be aware of all the potential risks and complications of Laser Eye Surgery before you go ahead with treatment. Your surgeon should inform you of all possible outcomes during your initial consultation and screening.
Still, the relative risks associated with Laser Eye Surgery are extremely low. When performed by an expert surgeon with access to the latest technology, the risk of experiencing even a small compromise to your vision is thought to be around 1 in 1,000.
Misconception 2: “Laser Eye Surgery can only treat short-sightedness”
Early Laser Eye Surgery procedures were largely focused on correcting myopia – the most common refractive error in the world. But things have come a long way since then. In fact, ongoing developments mean that Laser Eye Surgery has been used to correct a full range of refractive errors for years – and the innovation continues.
The procedure is now extremely effective at correcting short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. Just ask the millions of people who have been able to ditch their glasses and contact lenses!
Misconception 3: “Laser Eye Surgery can’t help people over 40 who need reading glasses”
This is arguably the most common misconception about Laser Eye Surgery – and one that patients are consistently pleased to have clarified. As we get older, the vast majority of us will begin to rely on reading glasses. This is thanks to a natural deterioration of the eyes known as presbyopia. This error typically begins to develop around the age of 40 and can be extremely frustrating – particularly if you have never needed glasses or contact lenses before.
Thankfully, Laser Eye Surgery can address this new-found need for reading glasses. PRESBYOND Laser Blended Vision was developed by our very own founder and expert surgeon, Professor Dan Reinstein, in 2005. London Vision Clinic became the first clinic in the UK to offer this innovative treatment for presbyopia.
Misconception 4: “The results of Laser Eye Surgery are not permanent”
When considering paying a large amount for anything, you want to know that the results will be worth it – and Laser Eye Surgery is no exception. Many people still believe that the results of Laser Eye Surgery are somehow temporary. But this simply isn’t the case. In long-term follow-up studies of Laser Eye Surgery outcomes have demonstrated that the changes made during the procedure are permanent.
However, the treatment cannot prevent the natural ageing of the eyes as we get older. As we age, our eyes change, even if we have never needed glasses. While these changes are generally very small, once we reach middle age, they can become more noticeable, eventually requiring us to wear reading glasses. Still, it is estimated that your prescription will only change by an average of half a dioptre every decade once you reach the age of 50.
Misconception 5: “I’m too old to have Laser Eye Surgery”
Okay, so Laser Eye Surgery can correct the effects of ageing on your eyes. But surely there’s an upper age limit for the procedure? Well, actually – no! There is no upper age limit for Laser Eye Surgery.
As long as you are in good health and your eyes are healthy, people of all ages (above 18) are generally eligible for Laser Eye Surgery. If you have a treatable prescription and are deemed suitable for treatment by a qualified doctor, there is no reason your age should stop you from having treatment.
Misconception 6: “Laser Eye Surgery can cause blindness”
Okay, technically, Laser Eye Surgery does carry an extremely small risk of causing blindness; however, for this to happen many complications would have to occur at the same time. Realistically, the chance of this happening is virtually non-existent (around one in five million!).
Tthere is not a single recorded case of a patient going blind as a result of Laser Eye Surgery. A much more real threat to your vision is wearing monthly contact lenses – a risk that many people remain unaware of. Nonetheless, your surgeon or doctor should always inform you of the risk of blindness and other potential complications prior to performing your treatment.
Misconception 7: “One could end up with worse vision than one started with”
So, we’ve established that the risk of blindness as a result of Laser Eye Surgery is exceedingly small – but what about the risk of your vision getting worse? Well, to be clear, it is extremely likely that your uncorrected vision will be worse after surgery than before. However, the real risk of this is largely dependent on your level of vision before the procedure.
There is virtually no risk that your vision after surgery will be worse than your vision without glasses before. The chance that your corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) will be reduced by even a small amount is around 1 in 1,000 – that’s 0.1% per eye.
As you can see, many of the persistent myths and misconceptions about Laser Eye Surgery can be easily debunked by looking at the facts. Nonetheless, it is important to be aware of all the potential risks and complications associated with Laser Eye Surgery before you go ahead with treatment. These should all be thoroughly explained to you at your screening appointments.
Do you have any further doubts or concerns about Laser Eye Surgery? Get in touch with one of our friendly clinic coordinators – they are always happy to help! Alternatively, Book a Consultation to determine your suitability for treatment.