What Pre-Operative Tests will ensure my Suitability?

The pre-operative procedure is a great way to measure the quality and standards of your chosen clinic.

The pre-operative examination allows your doctor to fully examine your eyes and consider any other relevant factors to determine your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery.

Different clinics have different pre-operative procedures. For example, they may perform different tests and examinations. Listed below are all of the examinations performed during your consultation at London Vision Clinic; however, not all of these tests are routinely carried out at other clinics in the UK:

  • Refractions, including manifest refraction, cycloplegic refraction, and CDVA
  • Slit-lamp examination
  • Dilated eye examination
  • Intraocular pressure
  • Contrast sensitivity
  • PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision assessment (if you are presbyopic)
  • Night vision simulation
  • Corneal topography (including back surface, i.e. tomography)
  • Dry eye exam
  • Pupil size measurement
  • Corneal thickness analysis
  • Wavefront analysis
  • Very high-frequency digital ultrasound (if necessary)
  • Keratoconus screening

The results from these tests should give your doctor a clear picture of whether Laser Eye Surgery is a suitable option for you – and which kind of treatment is most appropriate.

If you are found to be unsuitable for Laser Eye Surgery, your provider should be able to give you a comprehensive explanation for this decision.

In some cases, you may still be suitable for treatment at a different clinic. You may wish to ask if there is another Laser Eye Surgery provider that is in a better position to treat you safely.

Some Laser Eye Surgery providers do not have access to the latest technology. As a result, they may be unable to treat certain prescriptions, such as severe long-sightedness or presbyopia.