Is It Safe to Dye Your Hair Before or After Laser Eye Surgery ?

Is It Safe to Dye Your Hair Before or After Laser Eye Surgery?

Preparing for any surgical procedure will most likely mean foregoing a number of activities both before and after you treatment. And while Laser Eye Surgery is less invasive than many other procedures, the same applies here.

It might be obvious that you should avoid strenuous activities, dusty environments, or a night binging alcohol on the town, but what about the more mundane everyday activities we take for granted? For example, is it safe to dye your hair in the days before and after your Laser Eye Surgery treatment?

Activities to Avoid Before and After Laser Eye Surgery

Before we get to the subject of dying your hair, let’s cover some of the key activities that should be avoided when undergoing Laser Eye Surgery treatment.

Let’s take alcohol, for example. We all know the harms of drinking excessive alcohol, but it can also lead to increased risks when undergoing a surgical procedure such as Laser Eye Surgery. Alcohol can have a number of short-term effects on our eyes and vision. Excessive use can have an impact on the optic nerve, in rare cases leading to a permanent loss of vision known as toxic amblyopia. Moreover, alcohol can lead to dehydration and dry eyes which may increase the risk of complications from Laser Eye Surgery.

Patients should also avoid screens, including phones, computers, and televisions, for the first 24 hours post-surgery. Again, screen time can increase your risk of dry eyes and potentially lead to issues with your recovery.

With inextricable links between our health, behaviour, and our eyes, it’s worth being overly cautious when doing any particular activity before or after Laser Eye Surgery.

But does this apply to something as simple as dying your hair? Is it safe and completely acceptable or something to be avoided at all costs?

Dying Your Hair and Laser Eye Surgery

If you’re someone who likes to keep to their regular hair refreshes, then you’ll be glad to know that it is completely safe to dye your hair around the date of your surgery. However, there are some things to bear in mind.

While it is safe to dye your hair at any point up to the day before your surgery, there are some restrictions afterwards. In other words, do not rush out for a root touch-up straight after surgery!

Generally, it is advised that you wait at least one week after having Laser Eye Surgery before going to the hairdresser or applying any hair dye. This can vary depending on several factors, including your prescription, treatment choice, and the type of clinic you choose.

In addition to dying your hair, there are a few other things you should avoid in the days following your Laser Eye Surgery treatment. These include some cosmetic products – particularly eye makeup products such as eyeliner, mascara, and eye shadow which should also be avoided for at least seven days. Other cosmetic products, such as moisturisers and concealers are generally safe to be used within a couple of days.

Read our guide to makeup and Laser Eye Surgery to learn more.

If you’d like to learn more about what to expect in the days following your Laser Eye Surgery treatment, one of our friendly clinic coordinators is always on hand to help. Get in touch or Book a Consultation today to start your Laser Eye Surgery journey.