Is Cataract Surgery a Minor Procedure?

Is Cataract Surgery a Minor Procedure?

Cataract Surgery has become one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide, thanks to its high success rate and safety. Furthermore, as the only solution to the development of cataracts, it is essential to millions of people every year. But despite its now routine nature, is Cataract Surgery considered a minor procedure?

First and foremost, it’s important to state that no minor or major surgery should be taken lightly. There are always risks associated with any kind of surgical procedure, though some are, of course, smaller than others.

Having said that, Cataract Surgery is typically an outpatient procedure, meaning patients are usually in and out of their treatment facility on the very same day. As such, Cataract Surgery is considered a minor procedure. Still, it is important to be as informed as possible about your treatment and to feel comfortable with your surgeon and clinic when heading into surgery.

How is Minor Surgery Different to Major Surgery?

Generally, major surgery is considered an invasive procedure that requires an overnight or extended stay in a hospital once completed. This may be due to trauma caused to the body, or the need for ongoing medical observation. Examples include joint and organ replacements and cardiac surgeries.

On the other hand, patients undergoing minor procedures are typically able to return home on the same day. Minor surgeries tend to be less invasive (requiring only small incisions) with minimal damage to tissue and a lower risk of infection.

How is Cataract Surgery Performed?

Cataract Surgery was developed to remove cataracts – cloudy obstructions that form in the lens of the eye. As cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, the procedure is often essential to maintain vision in the affected eye.

During the procedure, the cataract-damaged lens is removed from the lens capsule via a small incision on the surface of the eye. This is then replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL). As a relatively non-invasive procedure, only local anaesthetic is required which is applied in the form of numbing eye drops.

Cataract Surgery is a routine procedure that can be performed privately or through the NHS. There are, of course, pros and cons to each of these treatment routes, however, with growing NHS waiting times, many patients opt to be treated privately.

At London Vision Clinic, our cataract patients have full access to their expert surgeon, starting with a pre-operative consultation to discuss their personalised treatment plan.

Cataract Surgery Recovery

While Cataract Surgery is generally an outpatient procedure, it is important to know what to expect during your recovery. This allows you to make an informed decision about your treatment and to make the necessary arrangements for the recovery period.

Once the procedure is complete, you will be fitted with a protective eye shield. This will prevent any debris, dust, or other foreign particles from getting into your eye and causing discomfort or infection. You will also be provided with the necessary products and medications for your recovery period, including hydrating eye drops.

While many patients report very little pain following Cataract Surgery, it is common to experience some discomfort, grittiness and watering in the affected eye for the first few days after the procedure. Sensitivity to light is also common in the first few days to weeks; however, these side effects tend to be minor and easily managed.

What’s more, when receiving treatment for Cataracts at London Vision Clinic, you can rest easy knowing that your expert surgeon is only a phone call away. With the necessary preparation and access to the best expertise, Cataract Surgery can be a minor procedure that can change your life for the better.

To learn more about Cataract Surgery at London Vision Clinics, get in touch today. Alternatively, Book a Consultation to kickstart your journey to better vision.