Can I Fit Laser Eye Surgery around a Hectic Work Schedule?

Can I Fit Laser Eye Surgery around a Hectic Work Schedule?

If you’ve been considering Laser Eye Surgery for a while, you have probably done some research into the procedure itself – maybe you have even started to consider which clinic would be the best option; but now that the prospect of having this life-changing treatment is becoming more of a reality, you may have gotten yourself bogged down with the logistics. For example, will you be able to fit Laser Eye Surgery around a hectic work schedule?

Having Laser Eye Surgery is not a decision that should be taken lightly, and it’s important to consider everything before going ahead – particularly if you have a busy work schedule. Life is pretty hectic as it is, and when many of us might struggle to find time to arrange a check-up at the dentist’s or even a catch-up with friends, the saying “Time is money” has never rung truer.

For this reason, we might find ourselves trying to squeeze in more experiences and becoming ultra-productive – but this may not be the best way of making the most of our time. Perhaps a better option is to take your foot off the gas and finally embrace the things that could help you see the world in a new, clearer, and frameless perspective.

Thankfully, we’ve got some good news: Recovering from Laser Eye Surgery can do just that and will likely take much less time than you might think.

A surprisingly speedy procedure…

most of the time, when someone tells you something will just take a few minutes – whether it’s someone in the street asking you to fill out a survey or a colleague who is yet to finish a task – it’s probably a good idea to take that with a pinch of salt. In reality, you’ll probably be waiting around for much longer and your whole day may even be thrown off as a result.

But when it comes to Laser Eye Surgery, this is, in fact, true! To many patients’ surprise, the procedure itself is usually completed in just a matter of minutes; however, more things need to be considered when planning for your treatment, from your initial screening to your full recovery.

A Comprehensive Screening Program

At London Vision Clinic, we are proud to offer an extremely comprehensive screening program. This allows us to not only assess your suitability for Laser Eye Surgery but also to plan your treatment to the finest detail. This appointment will involve a variety of tests and examinations and usually takes between 2 and 3 hours. Only after this consultation appointment will we be able to schedule your surgery day.

The Day of Your Surgery

Once you are found to be suitable for Laser Eye Surgery, our clinic staff will arrange with you a surgery day to suit you. We are also happy to help out with things such as recommending hotels and arranging transport for after your treatment.

We strongly advise that you allocate the whole day for your treatment as, while the procedure itself only takes a few minutes, you will need to be prepped before your procedure and assessed afterwards. Once you have been signed off to go home, we will also advise you to relax as much as possible and avoid screens and any activities that could strain your eyes. For this reason, it is best not to make any plans for the 24 hours following your procedure. This will give your eyes the best chance of healing smoothly.

The day After Your Surgery

On the day after your surgery, you will be asked to attend your one-day post-operative appointment. This allows us to ensure your eyes are responding as expected to your treatment and allows you to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have. Your surgeon will also sign you off to resume some activities, usually including using screens and returning to work.

Our founder and expert Laser Eye Surgeon, Professor Dan Reinstein explains more in the video below.

Getting Back to Work

As Professor Reinstein explains, most patients who have LASIK (the most common Laser Eye Surgery procedure) and ReLEx SMILE are able to return to work the very next day. Furthermore, many will also be able to resume activities such as driving within just a few days.

However, for the small number of patients who require surface procedures such as PRK/LASEK, it can take a little while longer to be ready to head back to work. This is because these procedures are slightly more invasive and it can take your eyes longer to heal. Nonetheless, LASEK patients tend to be back to work within seven days.

Do You Have Time for Laser Eye Surgery?

If you’re still concerned that you may not have time to have Laser Eye Surgery, remember: You only need to do it once! Investing a small amount of time now could save you hours that you would otherwise spend fiddling with contact lenses or searching for those elusive glasses.

Just think of the decrease in distractions like headaches and eye strain and the increase in focus that comes with sharper, higher-quality vision – not to mention how much more enjoyable your life could be!

Whether you’ve spontaneously pulled over to watch a burning red sunset, or you’re enjoying a moment with the kids while rolling around in the mud, Laser Eye Surgery ensures you witness every single detail and appreciate every experience in its entirety.

After all, how well you’ve lived is much better measured by the quality of what you’ve experienced, as opposed to the quantity of what you’ve done.

To find out more about how you can fit Laser Eye Surgery into your schedule, get in touch with our friendly clinic coordinators or Book a Consultation today. To learn more about Laser Eye Surgery Recovery, take a look at our comprehensive guide.