Does Screen Time Increase Your Child’s Risk of Short-Sightedness?

Several studies have revealed that the incidence of myopia (short-sightedness) is on the rise. New research indicates that this increased prevalence may be linked to our ever-growing reliance on screens, particularly in children.

Short-sightedness is the most common refractive error. In 2020, it was estimated to affect around 2.6 billion people, and the World Health Organisation predicts that 3.4 billion people will have the error by 2030. Some figures also indicate that around 40% of children and adolescents could have the condition by 2050 – and screen time may be a significant contributing factor.

What is Myopia?

Myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long, from front to back, or when the cornea is too steep. This affects the way light is directed into the eye, causing it to be focused in front of the retina (the photosensitive layer at the back of the eye), rather than directly on it. As a result, distance vision appears blurry while near vision remains clear.

Myopia is often inherited, with many genes believed to increase the risk of developing the error. However, there is also evidence that environmental factors can play a role in its development. Past studies have found that spending less time indoors and focusing on close-up objects for prolonged periods may increase rates of myopia in children.

This latest research builds on this evidence, indicating that increased screen time may affect rates of myopia.

What Does the Research Say?

Researchers in Korea recently published an analysis of 45 existing studies, involving 335,524 participants, in which they assessed the use of digital devices, including televisions, games consoles, and phones.

According to the research, an additional hour of daily screen time was associated with, on average, a 21% higher chance of having myopia. Compared with no screen use, four hours of daily screen time was linked to 97% higher odds of myopia.

But screen time may not simply increase your odds of developing myopia – it could also make your existing error worse. According to the Korean research team, an additional hour of daily screen time was associated with a 54% higher chance of becoming even more short-sighted.

However, things may not be quite as straightforward as these figures suggest. While we do know that increased screen time can have a negative effect on our eyes – including causing dry eyes, eye strain, and headaches – there is no way to know for sure that it is to blame for this increased risk of myopia.

As the researchers note, “For instance, because screen use predominantly occurs indoors, the resulting reduction in exposure to the protective benefits of outdoor environments may contribute to the increased risk of myopia.

Nonetheless, many experts agree that a combination of more time inside and spending significant time on screens is not good for the eyes – especially in childhood and adolescence. It is hoped that these new insights will inform educational strategies and public health policies to better address the ongoing myopia pandemic.

Treating Myopia (Short-Sightedness)

As with all refractive errors, the most common methods of correction are glasses and contact lenses. These external visual aids correct the way light is directed into the eye, making for clear vision across all distances. But while effective, they are not without their drawbacks.

From broken frames to irritated eyes, glasses and contact lenses each have their unique annoyances. But there is a third option. Laser Eye surgery was initially developed to treat myopia, and it has successfully done so for millions of patients ever since.

To learn more about treating myopia with Laser Eye Surgery, why not get in touch with one of our friendly and knowledgeable clinic coordinators? Alternatively, Book a Consultation to start your journey to clear vision today.